FogBugz (Case [Issue]12238) Tools - ProtocolOrganizer allProtocols vs protocols are inconsistent

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FogBugz (Case [Issue]12238) Tools - ProtocolOrganizer allProtocols vs protocols are inconsistent

Pharo Issue Tracker
FogBugz Notification
Stephane Ducasse opened Case 12238: ProtocolOrganizer allProtocols vs protocols are inconsistent and assigned it to Everyone:
Bug in Project:  Tools: 1. Pharo Image  •  You are subscribed to this case
I have a question: why allProtocols returns an array and protocols a set?


^ { allProtocol }, protocols asArray


^ protocols


^ protocols
collect: #name
as: Array


super initialize.

protocols := IdentitySet new.
allProtocol := AllProtocol protocolOrganizer: self.

to me it looks suspicious and it will be a source of bugs.

Priority Priority: 5 – Fix If Time Status Status: Work Needed
Assigned To Assigned to: Everyone Milestone Milestone: Later

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