FogBugz (Case [Issue]20324) File System - Handy file automatic numbering

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FogBugz (Case [Issue]20324) File System - Handy file automatic numbering

Pharo Issue Tracker
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Stephane Ducasse opened Case 20324: Handy file automatic numbering and assigned it to Everyone:
Enhancement in Project:  File System: 1. Pharo Image  •  You are subscribed to this case

I really like (when I save little data files) to have a simple versioning.
For example for my game collection I have
and I like that this is managed for me by the system.

I harvested this functionality from squeak long time ago.
I rewrote it fast and dirty in Pharo. I find this two methods super handy and they provide cheap versioning for little files.

lastNameFor: baseFileName extension: extension
"Assumes a file name includes a version number encoded as '.' followed by digits
preceding the file extension, e.g., games.22.ston
Answer the file name with the largest number.
If a version number is not found, raises an error"

"FileSystem workingDirectory lastNameFor: 'games' extension: 'ston'"

| files |
files := self childrenMatching: baseFileName , '.*.' , extension.
files ifEmpty: [ ^ self error: 'No file with number pattern' ].
^ (files asSortedCollection: [ :a :b | a basename < b basename ]) last

nextNameFor: baseFileName extension: extension
"Assumes a file name includes a version number encoded as '.' followed by digits
preceding the file extension, e.g., games.22.ston
Increment the version number (of the largest one) and answer the new file name, e.g., games23.ston
If a version number is not found, set the version to 1 and answer a new file name"

"FileSystem workingDirectory nextNameFor: 'games' extension: 'ston'"

| files splits version |
files := self childrenMatching: baseFileName , '.*.' , extension.
files ifEmpty: [ ^ baseFileName , '.1.' , extension ].
splits := files
collect: [ :filename | filename basename splitOn: $. ]
thenSelect: [ :split | (split at: 1) = baseFileName and: [ split size = 3 ] ].
splits := splits asSortedCollection: [ :a :b | (a at: 2) < (b at: 2) ].
version := splits isEmpty
ifTrue: [ 1 ]
ifFalse: [ (splits last at: 2) asNumber + 1 ].
^ baseFileName , '.' , version asString , '.' , extension

I think that these to methods can be a valuable addition to fileReference (the methods can be better implemented).

Priority Priority: 5 – Fix If Time Status Status: Work Needed
Assigned To Assigned to: Everyone Milestone Milestone: Pharo7.0

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