FogBugz (Case [Issue]22917) Trait - Pharo v7.0 code that illustrates compilation/update problems

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FogBugz (Case [Issue]22917) Trait - Pharo v7.0 code that illustrates compilation/update problems

Pharo Issue Tracker
FogBugz Notification
Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc opened Case 22917: Pharo v7.0 code that illustrates compilation/update problems and assigned it to Everyone:
Bug in Project:  Trait: 1. Pharo Image  •  You are subscribed to this case
The code in attachment create a taxonomy of vertebrates using traits, trying to push traits as far as they can go. It uses aliasing of methods, exclusion of methods, and deep renaming of slots. In my image, this code generates exceptions at multiple levels, from Calysto to compiling trait methods after deep renaming fields. I'll try to reproduce each problem one by one independently.
Priority Priority: 5 – Fix If Time Status Status: Work Needed
Assigned To Assigned to: Everyone Milestone Milestone: Pharo7.0

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