FogBugz (Case [Issue]22921) _Inbox - not found super class when loading a package

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FogBugz (Case [Issue]22921) _Inbox - not found super class when loading a package

Pharo Issue Tracker
FogBugz Notification
Nicolas Anquetil opened Case 22921: not found super class when loading a package and assigned it to Everyone:
Bug in Project:  _Inbox: Not Spam  •  You are subscribed to this case
When loading a package through Monticello, if the super-class of a class to load does not exist, there is a message warning of this.

I the user press "Proceed" the class is loaded with super-class "Object" (since its real super class is not present in the image)

According to Steph. instead of Object it should be some special class (forgot the exact name, maybe UndefinedClass ?) that gives an indication of what was expected instead.
Priority Priority: 5 – Fix If Time Status Status: Work Needed
Assigned To Assigned to: Everyone Milestone Milestone: Later

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