FogBugz (Case [Issue]6987) Kernel - Strange protocol: #allSelectorsWithout: + autocompletion + traits

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FogBugz (Case [Issue]6987) Kernel - Strange protocol: #allSelectorsWithout: + autocompletion + traits

Pharo Issue Tracker
A FogBugz case was Resolved (Monkey is checking) and assigned to Penelope, Ulysse's wife by Ulysse The Galactic Monkey From Outer Space.

Case ID:      6987
Title:        Strange protocol: #allSelectorsWithout:  + autocompletion + traits
Status:       Resolved (Monkey is checking)
Category:     Bug
Project:      Kernel
Area:         1. Pharo Image
Priority:     6 - On Hold
Milestone:    Pharo3.0: 30/03/2014
Assigned To:  Penelope, Ulysse's wife


Status changed from 'Resolved (Fix Review Needed)' to 'Resolved (Monkey is checking)'.

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