FogBugz (Caso [Issue]12249) Collection - Useful collection extensions

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FogBugz (Caso [Issue]12249) Collection - Useful collection extensions

Pharo Issue Tracker
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gcotelli opened Case 12249: Useful collection extensions and assigned it to gcotelli:
Enhancement in Project:  Collection: 1. Pharo Image  •  You are subscribed to this case
Implement two useful extensions in Collection:



This extensions helps to avoid code like this (doing isNil checks or using some object as a sentinel to check against):

<code>selectHandsToDrawForDamage: damageList

"Select the set of hands that must be redrawn because either (a) the hand itself has changed or (b) the hand intersects some damage rectangle."


| result |

result := OrderedCollection new.

hands do: [:h | | hBnds |

h needsToBeDrawn ifTrue: [

h hasChanged

ifTrue: [result add: h]

ifFalse: [

hBnds := h fullBounds.

(damageList detect: [:r | r intersects: hBnds] ifNone: [nil])

ifNotNil: [result add: h]]]].

^ result</code>

turns into:

<code>selectHandsToDrawForDamage: damageList

"Select the set of hands that must be redrawn because either (a) the hand itself has changed or (b) the hand intersects some damage rectangle."


| result |

result := OrderedCollection new.

hands do: [:h | | hBnds |

h needsToBeDrawn ifTrue: [

h hasChanged

ifTrue: [result add: h]

ifFalse: [

hBnds := h fullBounds.

damageList detect: [:r | r intersects: hBnds] ifFound: [:r | result add: h]]]].

^ result </code>



<code>removeAlarm: aSelector for: aTarget 

"Remove the alarm with the given selector"


| alarm |

alarm := self alarms 

detect: [:any | any receiver == aTarget and: [any selector == aSelector]]

ifNone: [nil].

alarm ifNotNil: [self alarms remove: alarm]</code>



<code>removeAlarm: aSelector for: aTarget 

"Remove the alarm with the given selector"


self alarms 

detect: [:any | any receiver == aTarget and: [any selector == aSelector]]

ifFound: [:alarm | self alarms remove: alarm].</code>


one with ifNone: 


"Save the receiver's contents string to a file, prompting the user for a file-name.  Suggest a reasonable file-name."


| fileName stringToSave parentWindow labelToUse suggestedName lastIndex |

stringToSave := self string. 

stringToSave size = 0 ifTrue: [^self inform: 'nothing to save.'].

parentWindow := model dependents 

detect: [:dep | dep isKindOf: SystemWindow]

ifNone: [nil].

labelToUse := parentWindow ifNil: ['Untitled']

ifNotNil: [parentWindow label].





"Save the receiver's contents string to a file, prompting the user for a file-name.  Suggest a reasonable file-name."


| fileName stringToSave labelToUse suggestedName lastIndex |

stringToSave := self string. 

stringToSave size = 0 ifTrue: [^self inform: 'nothing to save.'].

labelToUse := model dependents 

detect: [:dep | dep isKindOf: SystemWindow]

ifFound: [:parentWindow | parentWindow label]

ifNone: ['Untitled'].

Priority Priority: 4 – Would be nice Status Status: Work Needed
Assigned To Assigned to: gcotelli Milestone Milestone: Later

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