Folder names

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Folder names

Ian Bartholomew-3
I occasionally create folders that incorporate one or more periods in their
name.  Probably not a good idea but Windows lets me so I take advantage :).

However, anything after the final period doesn't appear in D5 Package Folder
trees as PackageFolder>>name strips all except the folder stem. Changing the
last block in the method to use #splitFilenameFrom: instead of
#splitStemFrom: appears to work but I'm not sure if anything else depends on


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Re: Folder names

Blair McGlashan
"Ian Bartholomew" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...
> I occasionally create folders that incorporate one or more periods in
> name.  Probably not a good idea but Windows lets me so I take advantage
> However, anything after the final period doesn't appear in D5 Package
> trees as PackageFolder>>name strips all except the folder stem. Changing
> last block in the method to use #splitFilenameFrom: instead of
> #splitStemFrom: appears to work but I'm not sure if anything else depends
> it.

Thanks Ian, #518.

