Found a bug

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Found a bug

Dave Mason
I have been working on an application, and have 4 times made changes to it and then couldn't load, getting a:

        Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method '_initialize'

from line 2 of init.js, at page load time.  At which point I have no GUI, so can't edit things.  So I started working through it very carefully a commit at a time.  And I discovered that when I changed:

        KitWidget subclass: #Menu
        KitWidget subclass: #MenuContainer
        MenuContainer subclass: #Menu

it broke.  I just started using Amber last week, but I've been following the mailing list from the beginning, so this actually sounds like something I vaguely remember reading on the list.

As I write this email, I realize that I can fix it by editing the Kit.js file and moving the:

        smalltalk.addClass('MenuContainer', smalltalk.KitWidget, [], 'Kit');

before the one for Menu (and I tested it and it works), but it wasted several hours until I figured that out.

On a related note, is there an easy way to import a .st file into Amber?  If so, it would really help to put that into the documentation near either the "Differences with other Smalltalks" or "Getting Started" sections.

Also, a clear section on deployment - particularly without the IDE - would be appreciated.

Thanks.  And let me make very clear that I think Amber is very cool, and I'll be using it for a very large project.

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Re: Found a bug

Nicolas Petton
Dave Mason <[hidden email]> writes:

Hi Dave!

Are you using the stable version or the latest from git?


> I have been working on an application, and have 4 times made changes to it and then couldn't load, getting a:
> Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method '_initialize'
> from line 2 of init.js, at page load time.  At which point I have no
> GUI, so can't edit things.  So I started working through it very
> carefully a commit at a time.  And I discovered that when I changed:
> KitWidget subclass: #Menu
> to:
> KitWidget subclass: #MenuContainer
> MenuContainer subclass: #Menu
> it broke.  I just started using Amber last week, but I've been
> following the mailing list from the beginning, so this actually sounds
> like something I vaguely remember reading on the list.
> As I write this email, I realize that I can fix it by editing the Kit.js file and moving the:
> smalltalk.addClass('MenuContainer', smalltalk.KitWidget, [], 'Kit');
> before the one for Menu (and I tested it and it works), but it wasted several hours until I figured that out.
> On a related note, is there an easy way to import a .st file into
> Amber?  If so, it would really help to put that into the documentation
> near either the "Differences with other Smalltalks" or "Getting
> Started" sections.
> Also, a clear section on deployment - particularly without the IDE - would be appreciated.
> Thanks.  And let me make very clear that I think Amber is very cool, and I'll be using it for a very large project.
> ../Dave

Nicolas Petton
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Re: Found a bug

Dave Mason

On 2012-Jun-11, at 10:48 , [hidden email] wrote:

> Are you using the stable version or the latest from git?


It might be worth fixing at least this bug in the stable version.

Thanks ../Dave
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Re: Found a bug

Nicolas Petton
Dave Mason <[hidden email]> writes:

> On 2012-Jun-11, at 10:48 , [hidden email] wrote:
>> Are you using the stable version or the latest from git?
> Stable.
> It might be worth fixing at least this bug in the stable version.

Indeed. We should release :)

Nicolas Petton