I've included a package below that implements what I think might be a useful addition to FramingConstraints. What I wanted was a way of laying out a series of similar views (typically buttons) that maintain their individual size and identical relative positions (button-button and button-frame) when their enclosing frame is resized. Non of the existing "fixed" LayoutManagers seem to do this and a relative FramingLayout only works for the gaps between subviews, the frame-button gaps end up being different sizes, and it is fiddly to get it to do even that . A picture is worth a thousand words - before resize (f = frame, s = space, b = button) fssbbbbssbbbbssbbbbssf after resize fssssssbbbbssssssbbbbssssssbbbbssssssf The package just adds four new geometry methods (centerRelativeParentXXX) to FramingConstraints but has to alter some existing methods to integrate itself. The only caveats are - It works best if all the subviews are the same size. It does still work if this isn't true but the gaps between subviews are not then identical, although the position of the centre of the button still corresponds to the buttons offset. - The #offset fields need to be structured in a fixed way. If you have three buttons then the offsets, left to right, need to be specified as 1/4, 2/4 (or 1/2) and 3/4 (Floats will not work) I was just going to add it to one of my goodies (and still can) but as it modifies existing methods and is, I think, quite useful I thought I would offer it to you first - at a very reasonable price :-) Ian | package | package := Package name: 'Framing'. package paxVersion: 0; basicComment: ''. package basicScriptAt: #postinstall put: 'FramingConstraints initialize'. package methodNames add: #FramingConstraints -> #frameCenterRelativeParentHeight:dominant:parent:view:; add: #FramingConstraints -> #frameCenterRelativeParentWidth:dominant:parent:view:; add: #FramingConstraints -> #offsetCenterRelativeParentHeight:dominant:parent:view:; add: #FramingConstraints -> #offsetCenterRelativeParentWidth:dominant:parent:view:; add: 'FramingConstraints class' -> #frameCalcs; add: 'FramingConstraints class' -> #offsetCalcs; add: 'FramingConstraints class' -> #publishedAspectsOfInstances; yourself. package binaryGlobalNames: (Set new yourself). package globalAliases: (Set new yourself). package allResourceNames: (Set new yourself). package setPrerequisites: (IdentitySet new add: 'Object Arts\Dolphin\IDE\Base\Development System'; add: 'Object Arts\Dolphin\Base\Dolphin'; add: 'Object Arts\Dolphin\MVP\Base\Dolphin MVP Base'; yourself). package! "Class Definitions"! "Global Aliases"! "Loose Methods"! !FramingConstraints methodsFor! frameCenterRelativeParentHeight: b dominant: d parent: p view: v "Private - Answer the result of performing the #centerRelativeParentBottom framing calculation against the arguments, b, v, d, and p, which are respectively the <Rectangle> being calculated, the <integer> dominent offset, the <Point> specifying the parent extent, and the <View> whose build rectangle is being calculated." | buttonSpace gapSize | buttonSpace := (d denominator - 1) * v height. gapSize := (p y - buttonSpace) / d denominator. ^gapSize + ((d numerator - 1) * (v height + gapSize))! frameCenterRelativeParentWidth: b dominant: d parent: p view: v "Private - Answer the result of performing the #centerRelativeParentRight framing calculation against the arguments, b, v, d, and p, which are respectively the <Rectangle> being calculated, the <integer> dominent offset, the <Point> specifying the parent extent, and the <View> whose build rectangle is being calculated." | buttonSpace gapSize | buttonSpace := (d denominator - 1) * v width. gapSize := (p x - buttonSpace) / d denominator. ^gapSize + ((d numerator - 1) * (v width + gapSize))! offsetCenterRelativeParentHeight: b dominant: d parent: p view: v "Private - Answer the result of performing the #relativeParentBottom offset calculation against the arguments, b, v, d, and p, which are respectively the <Rectangle> being calculated, the <integer> dominent offset, the <Point> specifying the parent extent, and the <View> whose build rectangle is being calculated." ^d / p y! offsetCenterRelativeParentWidth: b dominant: d parent: p view: v "Private - Answer the result of performing the #relativeParentRight offset calculation against the arguments, b, v, d, and p, which are respectively the <Rectangle> being calculated, the <integer> dominent offset, the <Point> specifying the parent extent, and the <View> whose build rectangle is being calculated." ^d / p x! ! !FramingConstraints categoriesFor: #frameCenterRelativeParentHeight:dominant:parent:view:!geometry!private! ! !FramingConstraints categoriesFor: #frameCenterRelativeParentWidth:dominant:parent:view:!geometry!private! ! !FramingConstraints categoriesFor: #offsetCenterRelativeParentHeight:dominant:parent:view:!geometry!private! ! !FramingConstraints categoriesFor: #offsetCenterRelativeParentWidth:dominant:parent:view:!geometry!private! ! !FramingConstraints class methodsFor! frameCalcs "Private - Answer a map of symbolic frame calculation names to the selectors which can be sent to calculate that frame." ^(IdentityDictionary new: 20) at: #fixedParentBottom put: #frameFixedParentBottom:dominant:parent:view:; at: #fixedParentLeft put: #frameFixedParentLeft:dominant:parent:view:; at: #fixedParentRight put: #frameFixedParentRight:dominant:parent:view:; at: #fixedParentTop put: #frameFixedParentTop:dominant:parent:view:; at: #fixedViewBottom put: #frameFixedViewBottom:dominant:parent:view:; at: #fixedViewLeft put: #frameFixedViewLeft:dominant:parent:view:; at: #fixedViewRight put: #frameFixedViewRight:dominant:parent:view:; at: #fixedViewTop put: #frameFixedViewTop:dominant:parent:view:; at: #fixedPreviousBottom put: #frameFixedPreviousBottom:dominant:parent:view:; at: #fixedPreviousLeft put: #frameFixedPreviousLeft:dominant:parent:view:; at: #fixedPreviousRight put: #frameFixedPreviousRight:dominant:parent:view:; at: #fixedPreviousTop put: #frameFixedPreviousTop:dominant:parent:view:; at: #relativeParentHeight put: #frameRelativeParentHeight:dominant:parent:view:; at: #relativeParentWidth put: #frameRelativeParentWidth:dominant:parent:view:; at: #centerRelativeParentHeight put: #frameCenterRelativeParentHeight:dominant:parent:view:; at: #centerRelativeParentWidth put: #frameCenterRelativeParentWidth:dominant:parent:view:; yourself! offsetCalcs "Private - Answer a map of symbolic offset calculation names to the selectors which can be performed to calculate that offset." ^(IdentityDictionary new: 20) at: #fixedParentBottom put: #offsetFixedParentBottom:dominant:parent:view:; at: #fixedParentLeft put: #offsetFixedParentLeft:dominant:parent:view:; at: #fixedParentRight put: #offsetFixedParentRight:dominant:parent:view:; at: #fixedParentTop put: #offsetFixedParentTop:dominant:parent:view:; at: #fixedViewBottom put: #offsetFixedViewBottom:dominant:parent:view:; at: #fixedViewLeft put: #offsetFixedViewLeft:dominant:parent:view:; at: #fixedViewRight put: #offsetFixedViewRight:dominant:parent:view:; at: #fixedViewTop put: #offsetFixedViewTop:dominant:parent:view:; at: #fixedPreviousBottom put: #offsetFixedPreviousBottom:dominant:parent:view:; at: #fixedPreviousLeft put: #offsetFixedPreviousLeft:dominant:parent:view:; at: #fixedPreviousRight put: #offsetFixedPreviousRight:dominant:parent:view:; at: #fixedPreviousTop put: #offsetFixedPreviousTop:dominant:parent:view:; at: #relativeParentHeight put: #offsetRelativeParentHeight:dominant:parent:view:; at: #relativeParentWidth put: #offsetRelativeParentWidth:dominant:parent:view:; at: #centerRelativeParentHeight put: #offsetCenterRelativeParentHeight:dominant:parent:view:; at: #centerRelativeParentWidth put: #offsetCenterRelativeParentWidth:dominant:parent:view:; yourself! publishedAspectsOfInstances "Answer a <LookupTable> of the <Aspect>s published by instances of the receiver." | topBottomFramingChoices leftRightFramingChoices | topBottomFramingChoices := #(#fixedParentBottom #fixedParentTop #fixedViewBottom #fixedViewTop #fixedPreviousBottom #fixedPreviousTop #relativeParentHeight #centerRelativeParentHeight). leftRightFramingChoices := #(#fixedParentLeft #fixedParentRight #fixedViewLeft #fixedViewRight #fixedPreviousRight #fixedPreviousLeft #relativeParentWidth #centerRelativeParentWidth). ^(super publishedAspectsOfInstances) add: (Aspect integer: #topOffset); add: (Aspect choice: #topFraming from: topBottomFramingChoices); add: (Aspect integer: #bottomOffset); add: (Aspect choice: #bottomFraming from: topBottomFramingChoices); add: (Aspect integer: #leftOffset); add: (Aspect choice: #leftFraming from: leftRightFramingChoices); add: (Aspect integer: #rightOffset); add: (Aspect choice: #rightFraming from: leftRightFramingChoices); yourself! ! !FramingConstraints class categoriesFor: #frameCalcs!initializing!private! ! !FramingConstraints class categoriesFor: #offsetCalcs!initializing!private! ! !FramingConstraints class categoriesFor: #publishedAspectsOfInstances!constants!development!public! ! "End of package definition"! "Source Globals"! "Classes"! "Binary Globals"! "Resources"! |
"Ian Bartholomew" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:WQ6I8.1420$xU5.177560@wards... > Andy/Blair, > > I've included a package below that implements what I think might be a useful > addition to FramingConstraints. What I wanted was a way of laying out a > series of similar views (typically buttons) that maintain their individual > size and identical relative positions (button-button and button-frame) when > their enclosing frame is resized. Non of the existing "fixed" LayoutManagers > seem to do this and a relative FramingLayout only works for the gaps between > subviews, the frame-button gaps end up being different sizes, and it is > fiddly to get it to do even that . > .... > I was just going to add it to one of my goodies (and still can) but as it > modifies existing methods and is, I think, quite useful I thought I would > offer it to you first - at a very reasonable price :-) > Thanks Ian, we can include it in the next patch level if that is acceptable to you? Regards Blair |
> Thanks Ian, we can include it in the next patch level if that is acceptable > to you? Sure, if you feel it is worthwhile. I've added it to one of the D5 goodie packages anyway but it can easily be removed if you do include it in the image. Ian |
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