I came across
https://ui-avatars.com, a web service that creates avatar images based on some parameters.
From Pharo, the shortest invocation would be something like
Making use of the full builder interface of ZnClient that would look more like
ZnClient new
host: '
addPath: #api;
queryAt: #name put: 'Albert Einstein';
queryAt: #size put: 128;
queryAt: #color put: 'FFF';
queryAt: #background put: '0D8ABC';
queryAt: #rounded put: true;
accept: ZnMimeType imagePng;
enforceHttpSuccess: true;
enforceAcceptContentType: true;
contentReader: [ :entity | ImageReadWriter formFromStream: entity readStream ];
Anyway, it is cool to have an environment that makes this kind of experimentation so much fun.
It is probably easy to implement this avatar image generation directly in Pharo ...