I have looked at Scale b/c of different question, and I see it uses futures. I'd like to ask if those futures are one-off, or is there any consensus on how futures should look like in Pharo. The reason I ask is b/c Amber already has something like that - Promises, which do not use the native JS API directly (though it is inspired), but do have an API of their own; and since those concepts seems to be similar (or maybe are the same, just called differently), if the API used shouldn't be sort-of standardized / used the same way in all occasions. Herby P.S.: Including state-of-the-art Promises.st from Amber master branch to get a picture: Smalltalk createPackage: 'Kernel-Promises'! Object subclass: #Promise instanceVariableNames: '' package: 'Kernel-Promises'! !Promise class methodsFor: 'composites'! all: aCollection "Returns a Promise resolved with results of sub-promises." <inlineJS: 'return Promise.all($recv(aCollection)._asArray())'> ! any: aCollection "Returns a Promise resolved with first result of sub-promises." <inlineJS: 'return Promise.race($recv(aCollection)._asArray())'> ! ! !Promise class methodsFor: 'instance creation'! forBlock: aBlock "Returns a Promise that is resolved with the value of aBlock, and rejected if error happens while evaluating aBlock." ^ self new then: aBlock ! new "Returns a dumb Promise resolved with nil." <inlineJS: 'return Promise.resolve()'> ! new: aBlock "Returns a Promise that is eventually resolved or rejected. Pass a block that is called with one argument, model. You should call model value: ... to resolve the promise and model signal: ... to reject the promise. If error happens during run of the block, promise is rejected with that error as well." <inlineJS: 'return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var model = {value: resolve, signal: reject}; aBlock._value_(model); })'> ! signal: anObject "Returns a Promise rejected with anObject." <inlineJS: 'return $recv(anObject)._in_(function (x) {return Promise.reject(x)})'> ! value: anObject "Returns a Promise resolved with anObject." <inlineJS: 'return $recv(anObject)._in_(function (x) {return Promise.resolve(x)})'> ! ! Trait named: #TThenable package: 'Kernel-Promises'! !TThenable methodsFor: 'promises'! catch: aBlock <inlineJS: 'return self.then(null, function (err) {return $core.seamless(function () { return aBlock._value_(err); })})'> ! on: aClass do: aBlock <inlineJS: 'return self.then(null, function (err) {return $core.seamless(function () { if (err._isKindOf_(aClass)) return aBlock._value_(err); else throw err; })})'> ! on: aClass do: aBlock catch: anotherBlock ^ (self on: aClass do: aBlock) catch: anotherBlock ! then: aBlockOrArray "Accepts a block or array of blocks. Each of blocks in the array or the singleton one is used in .then call to a promise, to accept a result and transform it to the result for the next one. In case a block has more than one argument and result is an array, first n-1 elements of the array are put into additional arguments beyond the first. The first argument always contains the result as-is." <inlineJS: ' var array = Array.isArray(aBlockOrArray) ? aBlockOrArray : [aBlockOrArray]; return array.reduce(function (soFar, aBlock) { return soFar.then(typeof aBlock === "function" && aBlock.length > 1 ? function (result) {return $core.seamless(function () { if (Array.isArray(result)) { return aBlock._valueWithPossibleArguments_([result].concat(result.slice(0, aBlock.length-1))); } else { return aBlock._value_(result); } })} : function (result) {return $core.seamless(function () { return aBlock._value_(result); })} ); }, self)'> ! then: aBlockOrArray catch: anotherBlock ^ (self then: aBlockOrArray) catch: anotherBlock ! then: aBlockOrArray on: aClass do: aBlock ^ (self then: aBlockOrArray) on: aClass do: aBlock ! then: aBlockOrArray on: aClass do: aBlock catch: anotherBlock ^ ((self then: aBlockOrArray) on: aClass do: aBlock) catch: anotherBlock ! ! Promise setTraitComposition: {TThenable} asTraitComposition! ! ! [hidden email] wrote: > https://github.com/guillep/Scale <https://github.com/guillep/Scale> is > quite cool for quick scripts on *nix. > > Now for embeddable, yes it would help. Bootstrapping will be helpful but > the current main issue is the VM interpret loop that is in the current VMs. > > It is not an intrinsic problem. Telepharo is also a great step to enable > that to exist. > > Phil > > On Oct 7, 2017 13:05, "Herby Vojčík" <[hidden email] > <mailto:[hidden email]>> wrote: > > Ben Coman wrote: > > Nice article. I like the way you've structured it and pushed the > "updated" angle. > > I feel a bit too strong a claim is laid on Pharo producing the > CogVM. > Much of the Cog + Spur + 64bit VM work was originally done for > Squeak > with Pharo riding the coat-tails of that work. Lately Pharo > community > has been involved in improving VM with hotspot optimisation with > Sista > and moving towards making Pharo embeddable.. (@Clement, is "hotspot > > > Hi, this made me curious. I always had the problem with Amber (and, > all the rest of Smalltalks in similar vein) that it is hard to use > to one-off scripting, as it presumes existence of the not really > small class library (objects, classes, collections, etc.). This > disadvantaged it IMO in the field of "can I just embed it here and > script it with a few lines?" scenarios. > > Did you (the Pharo community that is "moving towards making Pharo > embeddable") find some way to work this around? > > cheers -ben > > > Herby > > > |
Hi Herby, Scale does not implement futures by itself. It uses the ones implemented in taskit: On Sat, Oct 7, 2017 at 2:22 PM, Herby Vojčík <[hidden email]> wrote: Hi,
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