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Fw: Getting Coral to load on Linux / Pharo 1.1

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Fw: Getting Coral to load on Linux / Pharo 1.1

8 posts


Nick Davis
Software Developer (Infrastructure)

----- Forwarded by Nick Davis/UK/Romax on 13/02/2012 16:05 -----


Nick Davis/UK/Romax


Mariano Martinez Peck <[hidden email]>,


13/02/2012 16:05


Re: [Pharo-coral] Getting Coral to load on Linux / Pharo 1.1

Hello Mariono, Damien, Stephane,
   Thanks for the replies. I shall proceed with caution and not expect too much of Coral at this stage. It looks extremely promising though. Very nice to be able to run shell scripts that talk directly to a Pharo image. Brilliant for cron jobs that run regular scripts etc. Or for uploading new code to a production system without taking it down.


Inactive hide details for Mariano Martinez Peck ---13/02/2012 13:51:10---On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 2:37 PM, Nick Davis <Nick.DaviMariano Martinez Peck ---13/02/2012 13:51:10---On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 2:37 PM, Nick Davis <[hidden email]>wrote: > Hello,


Mariano Martinez Peck <[hidden email]>


Nick Davis <[hidden email]>,


[hidden email]


13/02/2012 13:51


Re: [Pharo-coral] Getting Coral to load on Linux / Pharo 1.1

On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 2:37 PM, Nick Davis <[hidden email]> wrote:
      If you do -
    Gofer new url: '
    http://ss3.gemstone.com/ss/coral';    package: 'ConfigurationOfCoral';    load.

      followed by
    ConfigurationOfCoral loadDevelopment

    This works fine on Pharo 1.3  (Centos6 platform) ,  but on Pharo 1.1 it fails to load.
    It blows up in ConfigurationOfCoral class>>loadDevelopment  because (self project version: #development) returns nil.

That's because symbolic versions (like #development) were added in newer versions of Metacello than the one provided out of the box in Pharo 1.1. You can update Metacello (something like ConfigurationOfMetacello load)  or to use an specific numbered version of Coral.

    Any advice on how to make this work?  Is Pharo 1.1 even supported?

    Thanks a lot,
    Nick Davis


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