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Fwd: [AJC] Invitación: Charlas con Pelli de Halleux (Microsoft Research) 21 y 22 de septiembre.

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Begin forwarded message:

From: Ana Martínez <[hidden email]>
Subject: [AJC] Invitación: Charlas con Pelli de Halleux (Microsoft Research) 21 y 22 de septiembre.
Date: 15 September 2011 18:09:04 GMT-03:00
To: destinatarios-no-revelados:;


Extiendo invitación para asistir a charlas dictadas por Pelli de Halleux, de Microsoft Research, que se realizarán el miércoles 21 y el jueves 22 de septiembre, según el detalle que se entrega a continuación:

El miércoles 21 a las 10:30 se realizarán dos minicharlas en la sala de reuniones del tercer piso:

1. “Pex – Automated Whitebox Test Generation for .NET”
Pex is an automated test generation tool that uses dynamic symbolic execution and constraint solving to generate interesting test cases.
In this session, you will learn about dynamic symbolic execution and test case generation in general. This is a hands on session, bring a laptop with an internet connection.

2. “Code Contracts”
Code Contracts provide a language-agnostic way to express coding assumptions in .NET programs. The contracts take the form of
preconditions, postconditions, and object invariants. Contracts act as checked documentation of your external and internal APIs. The contracts are used to improve testing via runtime checking, enable static contract verification, and documentation generation. This is a hands on session, bring a laptop with an internet connection.



En tanto, el jueves 22 de septiembre a las 12:00 hrs. en el  Auditorio del tercer piso se realizará la charla:

“TouchDevelop: Script your phone on your phone”
Pelli de Halleux, Microsoft Research.

Script your phone! Write code for your phone, on your phone! TouchDevelop is a radically new software development environment on the Windows Phone, bringing the excitement of the first programmable personal computers to the phone. TouchDevelop is a free app available on the Windows Phone Marketplace.

Comunicaciones DCC


Alexandre Bergel  http://www.bergel.eu