Fwd: Additional easy persistence: try DebrisDB for Fuel-backed Glorp interface

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Fwd: Additional easy persistence: try DebrisDB for Fuel-backed Glorp interface

Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list
Along the lines of easy model persistence while writing application code that will scale, I strongly encourage people to try the DebrisDB package. Scalability (beyond what Pharo can hold in memory -- note that one boost your heap size first) can be achieved by several means: 1) deploy on Gemstone, or 2) deploy with Glorp-SQL, or ... ?) use some of these other Glorp-interface options. These solutions can co-exist.

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By default, out of the box, the persistence is backed by Fuel files on Pharo. See the test case. This has only been tested in Pharo3.

The demo with only about 10 lines of specialization code (as a demonstration of how to control your storage, etc.) will provide you with a Glorp interface to store data in Fuel format files. Set-up couldn't be simpler, given that the Fuel package is pre-loaded in recent images. 

We have not published our Gemstone compatibility source yet because I was hoping we could clean it up a bit first. But if people are unwilling to try this package until the Gemstone support is present, we can fast-track that -- but please let me know if this is an immediate requirement, otherwise, it won't happen for nearly two months.

If you have questions or problems, please let me know. There are many improvements we can make to this package, and I would encourage others, over time, to create more variants of the DataStore that are backed by non-SQL DBs, such as Mongo, or to add the methods to persist the DataStore in Mongo, for example. 
