Fwd: Cormas "getting started" course

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Fwd: Cormas "getting started" course

Pour ceux qui sont intéressés. CORMAS est un outil de simulation multi-agent écrit en Smalltalk.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Christophe LE PAGE <[hidden email]>
Date: 2010/2/1
Subject: Cormas "getting started" course
To: Cormas <[hidden email]>
Cc: [hidden email]

Dear all,


A 5-days course for beginners will be organized in Montpellier in May (17-21).

See attached the tentative program together with a registration form.

This course will be given in English by French trainers… so basic skills in English should be sufficient to follow ;-)).

Anyone interested, please send me ([hidden email]) an email to let me know.


Earlier this year (March 1-5), there will be another possibility to get started with Cormas : Cincom will organize a training in Germany (near Frankfurt). For those interested by this session, please contact directly Andreas Tönne ([hidden email]) & Helge Nowak ([hidden email]).


Finally, we are also planning to organize a 1-week session in July, this time not for beginners but for the ones already using cormas to develop ABM in the field of NRM. This course would combine some collective technical sessions in the morning with personal assistance to trainees working on their own prototype in the afternoon. Conditions will be the same than the ones set for the “getting started course”. If you are interested to attend this “advanced” session, please drop me an email and rank your preference between 5-9 and 19-23 of July to help us setting the week.


Best regards,




Christophe LE PAGE


UPR Green

Campus International de Baillarguet

TA C-47/F (Bât. F, Bur. 112)

34398 Montpellier 5, France
Tél :  +
33 4 67 59 38 53

Secr. :  +33 4 67 59 39 58

Fax :  +33 4 67 59 38 27


Serge Stinckwich
UMI UMMISCO 209 (IRD/UPMC), Hanoi, Vietnam
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planningCormas.pdf (19K) Download Attachment
RegFormIntroCormas.pdf (33K) Download Attachment