Fwd: [DEVLOG] Fwd: [calcul] Workshop on interfacing (math) software with low level libraries

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Fwd: [DEVLOG] Fwd: [calcul] Workshop on interfacing (math) software with low level libraries

Something interesting for us also, but I will not be able to join unfortunately ...

-------- Message transféré --------
Sujet : [calcul] Workshop on interfacing (math) software with low level libraries
Date : Thu, 15 Mar 2018 11:45:14 +0100
De : Serge Guelton [hidden email]
Répondre à : [hidden email]
Pour : [hidden email]

Dear calcul mlist subscribers,

This is a reminder of ODK's workshop on "Interfacing (math) software
with low-level libraries", April 30th-May 4th in Cernay near Paris:


Registrations have started (see the above web page).


(Math) Computational systems face a tension between using high level
languages (e.g. Python) for expressivity, ease of use and prototyping,
and low-level languages (e.g. C/C++) for power and speed, and also for
modularity (using existing libraries, or writing reusable ones). To
resolve this tension, many approaches have been explored in the recent
years, and the frontier between the two worlds is becoming
increasingly blurry.

The purpose of this workshop is to bring together developers to share
expertise, seek collaboration venues, and get into concrete action.
This is quite bold. The focus on math software should keep this
manageable, while providing a large enough variety of solutions and
use cases.

- Developers of "binding systems" such as cppyy, pybind11, Boost Python
- Developers of "compilers" such as Cython, Pythran, Numba
- Developers of interactive C++ environments (cling, xeus-cling, xtensor, ...)

- Developers of (math) libraries in a low level language that wish to
  make their code accessible to a variety of users (e.g.
  libsemigroups, or low-level combinatorics HPCombi, number theory and
  arithmetic FLINT; in general developers of C-level interfaces to
  various systems: libSingular, libgap, cypari, cypari2, giacpy,
  PyNormaliz, Linbox, meataxe;

- Developers of systems like GAP, SageMath, Oscar, Mathemagix, ROOT
  that make a heavy use of such technologies

- Developers of programming languages like Julia
- ...

- Vincent Delecroix, Serge Gelton, Florent Hivert, Nicolas Thiéry


OpenDreamKit should be able to fund all the local expenses (as in
previous workshops in Cernay), the travel expenses of ODK members, and
the travel expenses of some invited people.

Serge Stinckwich
"Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute."

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