I don't know if this will help, but here is how to setup the squeak VNC
server together with AIDA:
install RFB-VNC server 1.0 with Universe in category Networking.
open the world menu>>open>>RFB/VNC server
Set the interactive password, then start it on a display (display 0 for
Now download the AIDA component:
location: '
http://mc.bioskop.fr/VNCController' user: ''
password: ''
Add it to your site (in my case the url is /vnc.html)
Now you can start and stop the ui process and vnc server via the website.
Be carefull, stopping the ui process will also stop the vnc server.
Starting the vnc server also start the ui process.
Just a tip : just start the vnc server when you need it, then stop it. It will strongly increase Squeak stability.
Even better stop the ui process when you don't need it. Debugguers, etc will still open, but you'll have to start
the ui process again to see them.
As you see, it doesn't take much more time than a minute :)
Hope this helps
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