Fwd: Linux in JavaScript PC emulator in a web browser (runs without installation)

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Fwd: Linux in JavaScript PC emulator in a web browser (runs without installation)

Dan Ingalls-4
Fwd: Linux in JavaScript PC emulator in a web browser (run
Folks -

Just got this pointer from Antero.  Reminds me of when the first Apple II emulator (including the graphics) showed up in Squeak.

This is the wonderful thing about high-performance VMs for decent languages (we'll allow JS here ;-) -- it means that one can engage in the delights of low-level hackery, while producing an elegant or at least understandable and accessible artifact [I can't vouch for this particular one].

Tee hee

        - Dan
think you'll find this at least amusing if not incredible: Linux running in a
JavaScript PC emulator in your web browser (needs Firefox 4 or Chrome 11):


Once Linux has booted, you can try, e.g.:

  tcc hello.c
Even 'vi' works just fine...

Technical details in the page linked to as 'Technical notes' under the terminal screen.

-- Antero

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