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Fwd: More Objects in Reference Manual

Rita Freudenberg
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From: Rita Freudenberg <[hidden email]>
Date: October 10, 2012 1:18:53 PM GMT+02:00
To: Edward Mokurai Cherlin <[hidden email]>
Subject: Re: [etoys-dev] More Objects in Reference Manual

Please do not add or remove objects from the objects chapter. In this chapter, we will ONLY have objects you can find in the objects catalogue. It does not matter in the object chapter in which subclasses these objects are implemented. The scope of information in the object chapter is Etoys, not Squeak (i.e. the underlying programming language, you can only reach easily when you turn Etoy friendly off).
I'm happy to have an appendix with all the other objects and I'll move your descriptions to that chapter. It is very important information! But not for the average Etoys user, not for the teacher who just start using Etoys and you can use Etoys happily for many challenges with your students without ever looking at the underlying Squeak source code.
For computer science teachers, on the other hand, what you wrote down is very useful. 

In the appendix, I added the chapter "More etoys objects" and I started to copy all objects, which are not in the object catalog, to that chapter. We can discuss to move the chapter out of the appendices, but, as Karl also said, there should be a second chapter. 


P.S. Thanks for the explanation about the logout problem, now it is solved!

On Oct 7, 2012, at 5:19 PM, Edward Mokurai Cherlin wrote:

I have completed another pass over the Objects chapter in the Etoys
Reference Manual,


dissecting objects into components, documenting the components,
identifying the Squeak sources for Etoys objects, adding v5 objects,
explaining bugs and design deficiencies, noting further information
needed, and finding more topics to explain elsewhere. Review and
comments welcome. I expect to make another pass again after I work on
other aspects of Etoys and Squeak for a while.

There was some confusion about my intention in creating a new chapter
for the book on Etoys Programming. I hope that my renaming the chapter
to Etoys Programming Tools will clarify that issue. As I said before,
and in the little bit I have written in the chapter, it is in no way
meant to teach how to program in Etoys, only to document how Etoys
supports software development. Other chapters describe elements of
this system (UI, scripting tiles, objects) piecemeal. This chapter
will give an integrated view of the Etoys IDE, including how it gives
access to Squeak, but will not attempt to explain Squeak programming.

Edward Mokurai (默雷/निशब्दगर्ज/نشبدگرج) Cherlin
Silent Thunder is my name, and Children are my nation.
The Cosmos is my dwelling place, the Truth my destination.
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