Fwd: [Pharo-project] [squeak-dev] ANN: OpenGL + NativeBoost + Mac ==> success

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Fwd: [Pharo-project] [squeak-dev] ANN: OpenGL + NativeBoost + Mac ==> success

Stéphane Ducasse

Begin forwarded message:

From: Mariano Martinez Peck <[hidden email]>
Subject: Re: [Pharo-project] [squeak-dev] ANN: OpenGL + NativeBoost + Mac ==> success
Date: January 20, 2012 8:04:31 PM GMT+01:00
To: Pharo Development <[hidden email]>
Reply-To: [hidden email]

Hi igor. I am the OpenGL biggest newbie you can find the world. I have just reproduced all your steps but I have an error in NBMacGLContextDriver >> createContext: initialExtent
the error is "'invalid pixel format'"
Any ideas?
I attach PharoDebug.log


On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 7:52 PM, Igor Stasenko <[hidden email]> wrote:
Today i'm happy to announce that i can run my 2 years-old demo which i
did when created NBOpenGL bindings first on Windows,
working without ANY changes in code on Mac.

The main hurdle with adding MacOsx support was that it is largely
unknown platform to me , and there are 3 different ways to get there,
namely CGL, Carbon and Cocoa.
Fortunately CGL approach worked well, despite its a bit limited (you
cannot create a windowed context, only fullscreen or offscreen one).
But since i am using FBO's , it doesn't really matters.
Of course it may make difference for people who want to use GL in
different setup.

In order to load project, take a fresh Pharo 1.4 image, load

ConfigurationOfNBOpenGL package using MC from

   location: 'http://www.squeaksource.com/NBOpenGL'
   user: 'sig'
   password: ''

or by

Gofer it
 squeaksource: 'NBOpenGL';
 package: 'ConfigurationOfNBOpenGL';

and then issue:

ConfigurationOfNBOpenGL project lastVersion load.

Remember, that you have to use CogVM with NativeBoost plugin, which
you can download from here:


If everything goes well, you should be able to run a demo by doing:

GLTTRenderingDemo new openInWorld.

P.S. @ Windows users: due to refactorings which i did, a
windows-specific support code is currently broken. So please use older
versions of packages (prior to this month).
I will fix them very soon.

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko.


PharoDebug.log (361K) Download Attachment