Fwd: [Pharo-users] Recent Submissions

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Fwd: [Pharo-users] Recent Submissions

Stéphane Ducasse

you should register to pharo-dev

Give a way for people to be lazy

1- give them a way load simply your code

Gofer new
squeaksource: 'PharoTaskForces';
package: 'Tools-Browser';

2- publish your work in a separate package

3- propose a way to open it

4- Create a separate class so that we can play with it independently of the other and existing 


Begin forwarded message:

From: Benjamin Van Ryseghem <[hidden email]>
Date: July 19, 2010 9:03:57 PM GMT+02:00
Subject: [Pharo-users] Recent Submissions
Reply-To: A friendly place where any question about pharo is welcome <[hidden email]>

Hi everybody,

I'm a new Smalltalker tutored by Stéphane Ducasse who gave me the project to rewrite the "Recent Submissions" tool to improve the UI and the functionalities.

I've already done a basic version posted in PharoTaskForces (the RecentMessageSet class in Tool-Browser) on squeaksource, so if anybody have ideas or advice, I'll thank him a lot

Benjamin Van Ryseghem
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