Fwd: Please Fwd LDTA call for paper

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Fwd: Please Fwd LDTA call for paper

Tudor Girba


Begin forwarded message:

>       LDTA 2011 Call for Papers and Tool Challenge Submissions
>                    11th International Workshop on
>            Language Descriptions, Tools, and Applications
>                             www.ldta.info
>                         Saarbrucken, Germany
>                          March 26 & 27, 2011
>                           an ETAPS workshop
> LDTA is an application and tool-oriented workshop focused on
> grammarware - software based on grammars in some form. Grammarware
> applications are typically language processing applications and
> traditional examples include parsers, program analyzers, optimizers
> and translators.  A primary focus of LDTA is grammarware that is
> generated from high-level grammar-centric specifications and thus
> submissions on parser generation, attribute grammar systems,
> term/graph rewriting systems, and other grammar-related
> meta-programming tools, techniques, and formalisms are encouraged.
> LDTA is also a forum in which theory is put to the test, in many cases
> on real-world software engineering challenges. Thus, LDTA also
> solicits papers on the application of grammarware to areas including,
> but not limited to, the following:
> - program analysis, transformation, generation, and verification,
> - implementation of Domain-Specific Languages,
> - reverse engineering and re-engineering,
> - refactoring and other source-to-source transformations,
> - language definition and language prototyping, and
> - debugging, profiling, IDE support, and testing.
> This year LDTA will also be putting theory, as well as techniques and
> tools, to the test in a new way - in the LDTA Tool Challenge. Tool
> developers are invited to participate in the Challenge by developing
> solutions to a range of language processing tasks over a simple but
> evolving set of imperative programming languages.  Tool challenge
> participants will present highlights of their solution during a
> special session of the workshop and contribute to a joint paper on the
> Tool Challenge and proposed solutions to be co-authored by all
> participants after the workshop.
> Note that LDTA is a well-established workshop similar to other
> conferences on (programming) language engineering topics such as SLE
> and GPCE, but is solely focused on grammarware.
> Paper Submission
> ----------------
> LDTA solicits papers in the following categories.
> - research papers: original research results within the scope of LDTA
>  with a clear motivation, description, analysis, and evaluation.
> - short research papers: new innovative ideas that have not been
>  completely fleshed out.  As a workshop, LDTA strongly encourages
>  these types of submissions.
> - experience report papers: description of the use of a grammarware
>  tool or technique to solve a non-trivial applied problem with an
>  emphasis on the advantages and disadvantages of the chosen approach
>  to the problem.
> - tool demo papers: discussion of a tool or technique that explains
>  the contributions of the tool and what specifically will be
>  demonstrated.  These papers should describe tools and applications
>  that do not fit neatly into the specific problems in the Tool
>  Challenge.
> Each submission must clearly state in which of these categories it
> falls and not be published or submitted elsewhere.  Papers are to use
> the standard LaTeX article style and the authblk style for
> affiliations; a sample of which is provided at www.ldta.info.
> Research and experience papers are limited to 15 pages, tool
> demonstration papers are limited to 10 pages, and short papers are
> limited to 6 pages.  The final version of the accepted papers will,
> pending approval, be published in the ACM Digital Library and will
> also be made available during the workshop.
> Please submit your abstract and paper using EasyChair at
> http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ldta2011.
> The authors of each submission are required to give a presentation at
> LDTA 2011 and tool demonstration paper presentations are intended to
> include a significant live, interactive demonstration.
> The authors of the best papers will be invited to write a journal
> version of their paper which will be separately reviewed and, assuming
> acceptance, be published in journal form.  As in past years this will
> be done in a special issue of the journal Science of Computer
> Programming (Elsevier Science).
> Invited Speaker
> ---------------
> Rinus Plasmeijer, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
> Important Dates
> ---------------
> Abstract submission: Dec. 15, 2010
> Full paper submission: Dec. 22, 2010
> Author notification: Feb. 01, 2011
> Camera-ready papers due: TBD
> LDTA Workshop: March 26-27, 2011
> LDTA Tool Challenge
> -------------------
> The aim of the LDTA Tool Challenge is to foster a better
> understanding, among tool developers and tool users, of relative
> strengths and weaknesses of different language processing tool
> techniques as well as different implementations and realizations of
> those techniques.  Tool developers are invited to participate in the
> Tool Challenge and demonstrate their solution to the problems during a
> special session of LDTA 2011.
> The problems in the LDTA Tool Challenge Problem Set can be viewed as
> points in a two dimensional space: one dimension specifying language
> processing tasks and the second dimension specifying the set of
> languages to which these tasks are to be applied.  Along the task
> dimension are several traditional language processing tasks such as
> parsing, pretty printing, semantic analysis, optimization, and code
> generation. The language dimension is comprised of a simple, but
> evolving, suite of imperative programming languages. These two
> dimensions form a problem space in which various techniques and
> implementations will find problems in which they excel and others in
> which they find some challenges; no single technique or tool is
> expected to be optimal for all problems.  Thus, this is a challenge
> and not a competition; no winner is declared.  The full description of
> the problem set can be found in the LDTA Tool Challenge Problem Set
> document on the LDTA web page at ( http://www.ldta.info ).
> The Tool Challenge is open to developers of all kinds of grammarware
> tools and techniques.  To participate, tool developers must submit the
> following by March 5, 2011.  Names of participants and the name of
> their tool or technique.  Presentation title and abstract.  The short
> abstract should specify on what aspects of the problem set the tool
> was applied, where it excelled and where no solution was offered
> and/or the solution was considered less than optimal.  We expect these
> to be only a few paragraphs in length.
> This information is used for scheduling purposes only and is not used
> for evaluation; as all tool developers interested in participating are
> welcome and will be given an opportunity to present their solution at
> the workshop.  Submission of this information indicates a commitment
> to attend LDTA and to participate in the workshop. This information
> will be listed in the program.
> Authors of submissions that appear to be outside of the scope of LDTA
> will be contacted to discuss the relevance of their work to the
> workshop.  Of course tool developers who question whether their work
> falls with the scope of LDTA are encouraged to contact the PC chairs
> early on for clarification.
> After the workshop a joint paper will be written by participants and
> submitted to a journal, most likely Science of Computer Programming.
> It is separate from the proceedings of the workshop and any special
> journal issue for the workshop.
> Program Committee
> -----------------
> Emilie Balland, INRIA, France
> Anya Helene Bagge, University of Bergen, Norway,
> Paulo Borba, Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil
> John Boyland, University of Wisconsin, USA
> Claus Brabrand, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark, (co-chair), [hidden email]
> Jim Cordy, Queen's University, Canada
> Kyung-Goo Doh, Hanyang University, Ansan, South Korea
> Giorgios Robert Economopoulos, University of Southampton, UK
> Laurie Hendren, McGill University, Canada
> Nigel Horspool, University of Victoria, Canada
> Roberto Ierusalimschy, Pontifà cia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
> Johan Jeuring, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
> Shane Markstrum, Bucknell University, USA
> Sukyoung Ryu, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
> Joao Saraiva, Universidade do Minho, Portugal
> Sylvain Schmitz, Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan, France
> Sibylle Schupp, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany
> Eli Tilevich, Virginia Tech, USA
> Eric Van Wyk, University of Minnesota, USA (co-chair), [hidden email]
> Eelco Visser, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
> Organizing Committee
> --------------------
> Emilie Balland, INRIA, France
> Giorgios Robert Economopoulos, University of Southampton, UK


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