Fwd: Problem installing Neptuno

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Fwd: Problem installing Neptuno

Stephan Eggermont-3
Frank Church wrote:
>Is it okay for me to say that something isn't right here?

Yes, you are right. Unfortunately, changing this takes time.

The infrastructure to do automated builds is currently Jenkins based,
and does not provide automated feedback upstream (the blame plugin
is not suitable for a project with as many downstream projects as Pharo).
The number of projects with automated builds is also still limited,
and there are a lot of projects with insufficient maintenance.
As a result many packages don't get updated regularly, only when users
notice something is wrong.

The good news is that it is already a lot better than a few years ago,
and we see much better stability/possibilities to change in the packages
that are build automatically. Unfortunately, Neptuno is not yet build like that.

Ideally, every Pharo project would have its own automated build server that
provides (test) feedback upstream.

Stephan Eggermont