Fwd: Putting a RTBitmap image in the center of a RTPieChart and composite forms.

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Fwd: Putting a RTBitmap image in the center of a RTPieChart and composite forms.

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Subject: Putting a RTBitmap image in the center of a RTPieChart and composite forms.
Date: Wed, 11 Nov 2015 18:18:57 -0500
From: Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas [hidden email]
To: Any question about pharo is welcome [hidden email]


I'm just improving some demos for the Smalltalks2015 Argentina that I will be giving tomorrow so if anyone has some kind of quick answer I will be really useful. By the way the event has been really energizing, the are a lot of nice and good people here and the city is beautiful. Hopefully it will become some kind of yearly peregrination for me.

So on the last minute improvements front, I have two questions:

1. I'm trying to put a RTBitmap image in the center of an RTPieChart... but I'm having problems to find size or center methods on it or its parent classes

2. I would like to make a composite graph, but seems that I'm missing something with the associated subcomponents. Consider this:

g works fine, but If I try to put it on a composite one I get this:

So just axis without any data. So I'm using the wrong abstractions to embed a graph inside another or I need somehow to put the data explicitly on the composed graph.

Any help will be welcomed, as always.

