Fwd: Re: [Pharo-project] A trend and an unfair comparison about js everywhere

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Fwd: Re: [Pharo-project] A trend and an unfair comparison about js everywhere

Janko Mivšek

> So.. the unfair question here would be:
> What we'll have to match that competitiveness?

Aida/Web :)

Watch few more months for Smalltalk MVC revival on the web app front-end
with Aida, as so many JavaScript frameworks are doing right now
(Backbone, Ember, Knockout, Angular, etc. etc.). And in real-time
(WebSocket enabled)... A big plus over JS: component based!


Dne 15. 10. 2012 22:02, piše [hidden email]:

> Hi guys,
> all comparisons are unfair I know but this is only to make you guy aware of this (please ignore if you're already).
> Here is the thing:
> The Jeff Bezos' Electricity Metaphor:
> http://www.ted.com/talks/jeff_bezos_on_the_next_web_innovation.html
> Makes (probably) any smalltalker remember the Alan Kay's talk about having in the internet an IP for every object and spectacular computer science ideas like that.
> The js everywhere trend makes a lot of sense. Once it achieves critical mass it might tempt intel and friends to do some hardware accelerator for js VM's. Who knows. We have a long way to go but, in the meantime, all js staked frameworks make a lot of sense and WILL get traction because of that. Example:
> http://www.wakanda.org/
> A talk here:
> https://vimeo.com/31603156
> So.. the unfair question here would be:
> What we'll have to match that competitiveness?
> sebastian
> o/
> PS: Pharo + WebSockets + Amber sounds in that line doesn't?

Janko Mivšek
Smalltalk Web Application Server

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