Fwd: Re: seaside hosting

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Fwd: Re: seaside hosting

This does not seem to work...

For some reason, it insists on saving to the local package cache, of which the
path in the remote image indeed does not seem to have been changed...

Any way to force it to update its path?



----------  Forwarded Message  ----------

Subject: Re: [Seaside] seaside hosting
Date: Monday 21 July 2008
From: SainTiss <[hidden email]>
To: Seaside - general discussion <[hidden email]>

Hmm, wait a second:

apparently, even if I use a URL, it still tries to access
the /home/saintiss/... dir.
Apparently, the problem occurs when Monticello in the remote image tries to
*store* the mcz locally. The repository path must be included in the mcz file
This means I can probably solve it by using an FTP repository or something...


On Monday 21 July 2008, Lukas Renggli wrote:

> Seems to be a Monticello problem. It tries to load a version from the
> cache directory at: /home/saintiss/source/squeak/package-cache. This
> is a path that does not exist on seasidehosting.st. Normally the path
> should get updated whenever the image starts up.
> Are you sure that the image comes up fully on startup without any
> windows (debugger, confirmation) comes up? Does the upload work if you
> locally move your image somewhere else and try there?
> On 7/21/08, SainTiss <[hidden email]> wrote:
> > On Monday 21 July 2008, Lukas Renggli wrote:
> > > > Actually, I'm using the "Load version from file" thingy, which allows
> > > > me
> > > >
> >  > > to browse my local file system for a file, and then uploads it.
> >  > >
> >  > >  That would automatically discard your first question, right?
> >  >
> >  > I just didn't know what part you were using.
> >  >
> >  > Can you provide the complete stack-trace? (not just the first few
> >  > frames)
> >  >
> >  > Lukas
> >
> > Ok, here it is:
> >
> >
> >  Stack Trace
> >  thisContext
> >  UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #binary
> >  self
> >  nil
> >  aMessage
> >  binary
> >  thisContext
> >  ZipArchive>>writeTo:
> >  self
> >  a ZipArchive
> >  stream
> >  nil
> >  member
> >  nil
> >  thisContext
> >  MCMczWriter>>flush
> >  self
> >  a MCMczWriter
> >  thisContext
> >  MCMczWriter class>>fileOut:on:
> >  self
> >  MCMczWriter
> >  aVersion
> >  a MCVersion(Saintiss-Seaside-AntwerpAthletics-HS.3)
> >  aStream
> >  nil
> >  inst
> >  a MCMczWriter
> >  thisContext
> >  MCVersion>>fileOutOn:
> >  self
> >
> > a MCVersion(Saintiss-Seaside-AntwerpAthletics-HS.3)
> >  aStream
> >  nil
> >  thisContext
> >  [] in MCCacheRepository(MCFileBasedRepository)>>basicStoreVersion: {[:s
> > | aVersion fileOutOn: s]}
> >  self
> >  a MCCacheRepository(/home/saintiss/source/squeak/package-cache)
> >  aVersion
> >  a MCVersion(Saintiss-Seaside-AntwerpAthletics-HS.3)
> >  s
> >  nil
> >  thisContext
> >
> > MCCacheRepository(MCDirectoryRepository)>>writeStreamForFileNamed:replace
> >:do: self
> >  a MCCacheRepository(/home/saintiss/source/squeak/package-cache)
> >  aString
> >  'Saintiss-Seaside-AntwerpAthletics-HS.3.mcz'
> >  aBoolean
> >  false
> >  aBlock
> >  [] in MCCacheRepository(MCFileBasedRepository)>>basicStoreVersion: {[:s
> > | aVersion fileOutOn: s]}
> >  file
> >  nil
> >  sel
> >  #newFileNamed:
> >  thisContext
> >  MCCacheRepository(MCFileBasedRepository)>>writeStreamForFileNamed:do:
> >  self
> >  a MCCacheRepository(/home/saintiss/source/squeak/package-cache)
> >  aString
> >  'Saintiss-Seaside-AntwerpAthletics-HS.3.mcz'
> >  aBlock
> >  [] in MCCacheRepository(MCFileBasedRepository)>>basicStoreVersion: {[:s
> > | aVersion fileOutOn: s]}
> >  thisContext
> >  MCCacheRepository(MCFileBasedRepository)>>basicStoreVersion:
> >  self
> >  a MCCacheRepository(/home/saintiss/source/squeak/package-cache)
> >  aVersion
> >  a MCVersion(Saintiss-Seaside-AntwerpAthletics-HS.3)
> >  s
> >  nil
> >  thisContext
> >  MCCacheRepository>>basicStoreVersion:
> >  self
> >  a MCCacheRepository(/home/saintiss/source/squeak/package-cache)
> >  aVersion
> >  a MCVersion(Saintiss-Seaside-AntwerpAthletics-HS.3)
> >  thisContext
> >  MCCacheRepository(MCRepository)>>storeVersion:
> >  self
> >  a MCCacheRepository(/home/saintiss/source/squeak/package-cache)
> >  aVersion
> >  a MCVersion(Saintiss-Seaside-AntwerpAthletics-HS.3)
> >  thisContext
> >  MCVersion>>addToCache
> >  self
> >  a MCVersion(Saintiss-Seaside-AntwerpAthletics-HS.3)
> >  thisContext
> >  MCVersion>>initializeWithPackage:info:snapshot:dependencies:
> >  self
> >  a MCVersion(Saintiss-Seaside-AntwerpAthletics-HS.3)
> >  aPackage
> >  a MCPackage(Saintiss-Seaside-AntwerpAthletics)
> >  aVersionInfo
> >  a MCVersionInfo(Saintiss-Seaside-AntwerpAthletics-HS.3)
> >  aSnapshot
> >  a MCSnapshot
> >  aCollection
> >  #()
> >  thisContext
> >  MCVersion class>>package:info:snapshot:dependencies:
> >  self
> >  MCVersion
> >  aPackage
> >  a MCPackage(Saintiss-Seaside-AntwerpAthletics)
> >  aVersionInfo
> >  a MCVersionInfo(Saintiss-Seaside-AntwerpAthletics-HS.3)
> >  aSnapshot
> >  a MCSnapshot
> >  aCollection
> >  #()
> >  thisContext
> >  MCMczReader(MCVersionReader)>>basicVersion
> >  self
> >  a MCMczReader
> >  thisContext
> >  MCMczReader(MCVersionReader)>>version
> >  self
> >  a MCMczReader
> >  thisContext
> >  MCMczReader class(MCVersionReader class)>>versionFromStream:
> >  self
> >  MCMczReader
> >  aStream
> >  a ReadStream a ByteArray(80 75 3 4 20 0 0 0 8 0 119 141 245 56 72 219
> > 127 215 44 0 0 0 42 0 0 0 7 0 ...etc...
> >  thisContext
> >  STAABodyComponent(WAVersionUploader)>>loadFile
> >  self
> >  a STAABodyComponent
> >  reader
> >  MCMczReader
> >  version
> >  nil
> >  thisContext
> >  [] in STAABodyComponent(WAVersionUploader)>>renderContentOn: {[self
> > loadFile]} self
> >  a STAABodyComponent
> >  html
> >  nil
> >  ea
> >  nil
> >  f
> >  nil
> >  u
> >  nil
> >  thisContext
> >  WAActionCallback>>evaluateWithArgument:
> >  self
> >  a WAActionCallback
> >  anObject
> >  'Load'
> >  thisContext
> >  WAActionCallback(WACallback)>>evaluateWithField:
> >  self
> >  a WAActionCallback
> >  anObject
> >  'Load'
> >  thisContext
> >  WACallbackStream>>processCallbacksWithOwner:
> >  self
> >  a WACallbackStream
> >  anObject
> >  a STAABodyComponent
> >  callback
> >  a WAActionCallback
> >  thisContext
> >  STAABodyComponent(WAPresenter)>>processCallbackStream:
> >  self
> >  a STAABodyComponent
> >  aCallbackStream
> >  a WACallbackStream
> >  thisContext
> >  [] in STAARootComponent(WAPresenter)>>processChildCallbacks: {[:ea | ea
> >  processCallbackStream: aStre...etc...
> >  self
> >  a STAARootComponent
> >  aStream
> >  a WACallbackStream
> >  ea
> >  a STAABodyComponent
> >  thisContext
> >  STAABodyComponent(WAComponent)>>decorationChainDo:
> >  self
> >  a STAABodyComponent
> >  aBlock
> >  [] in STAARootComponent(WAPresenter)>>processChildCallbacks: {[:ea | ea
> >  processCallbackStream: aStre...etc...
> >  thisContext
> >  [] in STAARootComponent(WAComponent)>>nextPresentersDo: {[:ea | ea
> >  decorationChainDo: aBlock]}
> >  self
> >  a STAARootComponent
> >  aBlock
> >  [] in STAARootComponent(WAPresenter)>>processChildCallbacks: {[:ea | ea
> >  processCallbackStream: aStre...etc...
> >  ea
> >  a STAABodyComponent
> >  thisContext
> >  [] in STAARootComponent(WAComponent)>>childrenDo: {[:ea | ea ifNotNil:
> > [aBlock value: ea]]}
> >  self
> >  a STAARootComponent
> >  aBlock
> >  [] in STAARootComponent(WAComponent)>>nextPresentersDo: {[:ea | ea
> >  decorationChainDo: aBlock]}
> >  ea
> >  a STAABodyComponent
> >  thisContext
> >  Array(SequenceableCollection)>>do:
> >  self
> >  an Array(a STAAMenuComponent a STAABodyComponent)
> >  aBlock
> >  [] in STAARootComponent(WAComponent)>>childrenDo: {[:ea | ea ifNotNil:
> > [aBlock value: ea]]}
> >  index
> >  2
> >  indexLimiT
> >  2
> >  thisContext
> >  STAARootComponent(WAComponent)>>childrenDo:
> >  self
> >  a STAARootComponent
> >  aBlock
> >  [] in STAARootComponent(WAComponent)>>nextPresentersDo: {[:ea | ea
> >  decorationChainDo: aBlock]}
> >  ea
> >  a STAABodyComponent
> >  thisContext
> >  STAARootComponent(WAComponent)>>nextPresentersDo:
> >  self
> >  a STAARootComponent
> >  aBlock
> >  [] in STAARootComponent(WAPresenter)>>processChildCallbacks: {[:ea | ea
> >  processCallbackStream: aStre...etc...
> >  ea
> >  a STAABodyComponent
> >  thisContext
> >  STAARootComponent(WAPresenter)>>processChildCallbacks:
> >  self
> >  a STAARootComponent
> >  aStream
> >  a WACallbackStream
> >  ea
> >  a STAABodyComponent
> >  thisContext
> >  STAARootComponent(WAPresenter)>>processCallbackStream:
> >  self
> >  a STAARootComponent
> >  aCallbackStream
> >  a WACallbackStream
> >  thisContext
> >  [] in WARenderContinuation>>processCallbacks: {[:each | each
> >  processCallbackStream: callbackStream]}...etc...
> >  self
> >  a WARenderContinuation
> >  aRequest
> >  a WARequest POST /seaside/antwerpathletics
> >  lastPosition
> >  0
> >  callbackStream
> >  a WACallbackStream
> >  each
> >  a STAARootComponent
> >  thisContext
> >  STAARootComponent(WAComponent)>>decorationChainDo:
> >  self
> >  a STAARootComponent
> >  aBlock
> >  [] in WARenderContinuation>>processCallbacks: {[:each | each
> >  processCallbackStream: callbackStream]}...etc...
> >  thisContext
> >  WARenderContinuation>>processCallbacks:
> >  self
> >  a WARenderContinuation
> >  aRequest
> >  a WARequest POST /seaside/antwerpathletics
> >  lastPosition
> >  0
> >  callbackStream
> >  a WACallbackStream
> >  each
> >  a STAARootComponent
> >  thisContext
> >  [] in WARenderContinuation>>handleRequest: {[self processCallbacks:
> > aRequest]} self
> >  a WARenderContinuation
> >  aRequest
> >  a WARequest POST /seaside/antwerpathletics
> >  r
> >  nil
> >  thisContext
> >  BlockContext>>on:do:
> >  self
> >  [] in WARenderContinuation>>handleRequest: {[self processCallbacks:
> > aRequest]} exception
> >  an ExceptionSet
> >  handlerAction
> >  [] in WARenderContinuation>>withNotificationHandler: {[:n | n]}
> >  handlerActive
> >  true
> >  thisContext
> >  WARenderContinuation>>withNotificationHandler:
> >  self
> >  a WARenderContinuation
> >  aBlock
> >  [] in WARenderContinuation>>handleRequest: {[self processCallbacks:
> > aRequest]} n
> >  nil
> >  thisContext
> >  WARenderContinuation>>handleRequest:
> >  self
> >  a WARenderContinuation
> >  aRequest
> >  a WARequest POST /seaside/antwerpathletics
> >  r
> >  nil
> >  thisContext
> >  WARenderContinuation(WASessionContinuation)>>value:
> >  self
> >  a WARenderContinuation
> >  aRequest
> >  a WARequest POST /seaside/antwerpathletics
> >  thisContext
> >  WASession>>performRequest:
> >  self
> >  a WASession
> >  aRequest
> >  a WARequest POST /seaside/antwerpathletics
> >  key
> >  'JsgMslE_'
> >  continuation
> >  a WARenderContinuation
> >  thisContext
> >  [] in WASession>>responseForRequest: {[self performRequest: aRequest]}
> >  self
> >  a WASession
> >  aRequest
> >  a WARequest POST /seaside/antwerpathletics
> >  thisContext
> >  BlockContext>>on:do:
> >  self
> >  [] in WASession>>responseForRequest: {[self performRequest: aRequest]}
> >  exception
> >  Error
> >  handlerAction
> >  [] in WASession>>withErrorHandler: {[:e | self errorHandler handleError:
> > e. WAPageExpired raiseSig...etc...
> >  handlerActive
> >  false
> >  thisContext
> >  [] in WASession>>withErrorHandler: {[aBlock on: Error do: [:e | self
> >  errorHandler handleErro...etc...
> >  self
> >  a WASession
> >  aBlock
> >  [] in WASession>>responseForRequest: {[self performRequest: aRequest]}
> >  e
> >  MessageNotUnderstood: UndefinedObject>>binary
> >  w
> >  nil
> >  thisContext
> >  BlockContext>>on:do:
> >  self
> >  [] in WASession>>withErrorHandler: {[aBlock on: Error do: [:e | self
> >  errorHandler handleErro...etc...
> >  exception
> >  Warning
> >  handlerAction
> >  [] in WASession>>withErrorHandler: {[:w | self errorHandler
> > handleWarning: w. WAPageExpired raiseS...etc...
> >  handlerActive
> >  true
> >  thisContext
> >  WASession>>withErrorHandler:
> >  self
> >  a WASession
> >  aBlock
> >  [] in WASession>>responseForRequest: {[self performRequest: aRequest]}
> >  e
> >  MessageNotUnderstood: UndefinedObject>>binary
> >  w
> >  nil
> >  thisContext
> >  [] in WASession>>responseForRequest: {[self withErrorHandler: [self
> >  performRequest: aRequest]]}
> >  self
> >  a WASession
> >  aRequest
> >  a WARequest POST /seaside/antwerpathletics
> >  thisContext
> >  BlockContext>>on:do:
> >  self
> >  [] in WASession>>responseForRequest: {[self withErrorHandler: [self
> >  performRequest: aRequest]]}
> >  exception
> >  WACurrentSession
> >  handlerAction
> >  [] in WACurrentSession class(WADynamicVariable class)>>use:during:
> >  {[:notification | notification re...etc...
> >  handlerActive
> >  true
> >  thisContext
> >  WACurrentSession class(WADynamicVariable class)>>use:during:
> >  self
> >  WACurrentSession
> >  anObject
> >  a WASession
> >  aBlock
> >  [] in WASession>>responseForRequest: {[self withErrorHandler: [self
> >  performRequest: aRequest]]}
> >  notification
> >  WACurrentSession
> >  thisContext
> >  [] in WASession>>responseForRequest: {[WACurrentSession use: self
> > during: [self withErrorHan...etc...
> >  self
> >  a WASession
> >  aRequest
> >  a WARequest POST /seaside/antwerpathletics
> >  thisContext
> >  [] in WASession>>withEscapeContinuation: {[:cc | escapeContinuation :=
> > cc. aBlock value. self pag...etc...
> >  self
> >  a WASession
> >  aBlock
> >  [] in WASession>>responseForRequest: {[WACurrentSession use: self
> > during: [self withErrorHan...etc...
> >  cc
> >  nil
> >  thisContext
> >  EscapeContinuation class(Continuation class)>>currentDo:
> >  self
> >  EscapeContinuation
> >  aBlock
> >  [] in WASession>>withEscapeContinuation: {[:cc | escapeContinuation :=
> > cc. aBlock value. self pag...etc...
> >  thisContext
> >  WASession>>withEscapeContinuation:
> >  self
> >  a WASession
> >  aBlock
> >  [] in WASession>>responseForRequest: {[WACurrentSession use: self
> > during: [self withErrorHan...etc...
> >  cc
> >  nil
> >  thisContext
> >  WASession>>responseForRequest:
> >  self
> >  a WASession
> >  aRequest
> >  a WARequest POST /seaside/antwerpathletics
> >  thisContext
> >  [] in WASession>>incomingRequest: {[self responseForRequest: aRequest]}
> >  self
> >  a WASession
> >  aRequest
> >  a WARequest POST /seaside/antwerpathletics
> >  error
> >  nil
> >  thisContext
> >  BlockContext>>on:do:
> >  self
> >  [] in WASession>>incomingRequest: {[self responseForRequest: aRequest]}
> >  exception
> >  Error
> >  handlerAction
> >  [] in WASession>>incomingRequest: {[:error | self errorHandler
> > internalError: error]}
> >  handlerActive
> >  true
> >  thisContext
> >  [] in WAProcessMonitor>>critical:ifError: {[value := aBlock on: Error
> > do: anErrorBlock]}
> >  self
> >  a WAProcessMonitor
> >  aBlock
> >  [] in WASession>>incomingRequest: {[self responseForRequest: aRequest]}
> >  anErrorBlock
> >  [] in WASession>>incomingRequest: {[:error | self errorHandler
> > internalError: error]}
> >  value
> >  a WAResponse 200
> >  thisContext
> >  BlockContext>>ensure:
> >  self
> >  [] in WAProcessMonitor>>critical:ifError: {[value := aBlock on: Error
> > do: anErrorBlock]}
> >  aBlock
> >  nil
> >  returnValue
> >  a WAResponse 200
> >  b
> >  [] in WAProcessMonitor>>critical:ifError: {[semaphore signal]}
> >  thisContext
> >  [] in WAProcessMonitor>>critical:ifError: {[[value := aBlock on: Error
> > do: anErrorBlock] ensure: [...etc...
> >  self
> >  a WAProcessMonitor
> >  aBlock
> >  [] in WASession>>incomingRequest: {[self responseForRequest: aRequest]}
> >  anErrorBlock
> >  [] in WASession>>incomingRequest: {[:error | self errorHandler
> > internalError: error]}
> >  value
> >  a WAResponse 200
> >  thisContext
> >  [] in BlockContext>>newProcess {[self value. Processor terminateActive]}
> >  self
> >  [] in WAProcessMonitor>>critical:ifError: {[[value := aBlock on: Error
> > do: anErrorBlock] ensure: [...etc...
> >
> >
> >  --
> >  If we cannot live so as to be happy, let us at least live so as to
> > deserve it -- Immanuel Hermann Fichte
> >
> >  A liberal is a person whose interests aren't at stake at the moment
> >   -- Willis Player
> >
> >  Ark Linux - Linux for the Masses (http://arklinux.org)
> >
> >  Hans Schippers
> >  Aspirant FWO - Vlaanderen
> >  Formal Techniques in Software Engineering (FoTS)
> >  University of Antwerp
> >  Middelheimlaan 1
> >  2020 Antwerpen - Belgium
> >  Phone: +32 3 265 38 71
> >  Fax: +32 3 265 37 77
> >  _______________________________________________
> >  seaside mailing list
> >  [hidden email]
> >  http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/seaside

If we cannot live so as to be happy, let us at least live so as to deserve it
 -- Immanuel Hermann Fichte

A liberal is a person whose interests aren't at stake at the moment
 -- Willis Player

Ark Linux - Linux for the Masses (http://arklinux.org)

Hans Schippers
Aspirant FWO - Vlaanderen
Formal Techniques in Software Engineering (FoTS)
University of Antwerp
Middelheimlaan 1
2020 Antwerpen - Belgium
Phone: +32 3 265 38 71
Fax: +32 3 265 37 77


If we cannot live so as to be happy, let us at least live so as to deserve it
 -- Immanuel Hermann Fichte

A liberal is a person whose interests aren't at stake at the moment
 -- Willis Player

Ark Linux - Linux for the Masses (http://arklinux.org)

Hans Schippers
Aspirant FWO - Vlaanderen
Formal Techniques in Software Engineering (FoTS)
University of Antwerp
Middelheimlaan 1
2020 Antwerpen - Belgium
Phone: +32 3 265 38 71
Fax: +32 3 265 37 77
seaside mailing list
[hidden email]