Fwd: [Seaside] another reason Rails gets market share andSeasidedoesn't

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Fwd: [Seaside] another reason Rails gets market share andSeasidedoesn't

stephane ducasse

> I have agreed with most of what you have said, but this I strongly  
> disagree with.  If you don't know OO (and want to learn) then  
> Smalltalk is *exactly* what you need to learn.  We shouldn't tell  
> people that if they want to learn OO they need to go to mainstream  
> languages with bad OO implementations (e.g. Java, C++, etc.).  
> http://learningtotalk.blogspot.com is a good blog where a game  
> designer documents getting into Smalltalk and all the OO  
> "knowledge" he had to unlearn.  People who want to learn OO should  
> start out right here with the best and most obvious OO language.

http://www.unstdio.com/ sounds cool.

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