Fwd: Smalltalks 2011 --- Call for papers

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Fwd: Smalltalks 2011 --- Call for papers

Alexandre Bergel-5

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Andres Valloud <[hidden email]>
> Date: 21 June 2011 18:01:19 GMT-04:00
> To: [hidden email]
> Subject: Smalltalks 2011 --- Call for papers
> 5th International Conference on Smalltalk Technologies
> Research Track: Call for Papers
> November 3th - 5th, 2011
> Important dates:
> Submission (Hard Deadline): August 22th, 2011 (Argentinian time:
> UTC/GMT -3 hours).
> Notification of acceptance: September 23th, 2011.
> Camera Ready Submission: October 7th, 2011.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Conference Location: Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (Argentina)
> The Smalltalks series of conferences (www.fast.org.ar) is a lively
> forum on Smalltalk-based software
> technologies that brings together more than 200 people from both
> academia and industry for a period of three days.
> Past editions of Smalltalks have included many high-quality
> presentations from industry and research.
> These contributions have shown interesting applications of Smalltalk,
> advances in the Smalltalk language, didactic uses of Smalltalk and so
> on.
> Similar to last year, Smalltalks 2011 will include a dedicated research
> track.
> We welcome submissions to this research track presenting original
> scientific contributions to, or using, Smalltalk in general.
> Topics of interest include, but are not restricted to:
> -        Aspects, Aspect Languages and Applications.
> -        Ambient Intelligence, Ubiquitous / Pervasive Computing and
> Embedded Systems.
> -        Compilation Technology, Optimization, Virtual Machines.
> -        Educational Material.
> -        Language Engineering, Extensions.
> -        Model Driven Engineering / Development.
> -        Meta-Modeling, Reflection and Meta-programming.
> -        Programming in the Large, Design, Architectures and Components.
> -        Programming Environments, Browsers, User Interfaces, UI Frameworks.
> -        Source-code analysis and manipulation (Static analysis,
> refactoring, type inference, metrics).
> -        Team Management.
> -        Testing, Extreme Programming / Practices.
> -        Web Services, Internet Applications, Event-driven Programming.
> -        Experience Reports.
> Important dates:
> Submission (Hard Deadline): August 22th, 2011 (Argentinian time:
> UTC/GMT -3 hours).
> Notification of acceptance: September 23th, 2011.
> Camera Ready Submission: October 7th, 2011.
> Papers:
> Papers should be written in English, in PDF-format and should not exceed 15
> pages (including references and figures), using the Elsevier journal format.
> Templates for LaTeX formats can be found at
> http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/authorsview.authors/elsart
> Papers must be submitted through the EasyChair submission web site at
> https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=smalltalks2011
> The accepted papers will be digitally available on the conference
> website. We are currently negotiating a special edition of a journal
> for which the best papers will get invited.
> Papers submitted must not have been previously published and must not be
> under review for publication elsewhere. Papers must strictly adhere to
> submission guidelines. If you have questions, please send an e-mail to
> Jannik Laval and Andy Kellens to [hidden email].
> Program Committee
> --------------------------
> - Gonzalo Zabala (Universidad Abierta Interamericana, Argentina)
> - Hernan Wilkinson (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina)
> - Serge Stinckwich (Institut de recherche pour le developppement, France)
> - Mircea Lungu (University of Bern, Switzerland)
> - Tudor Girba (Sw-eng. Software Engineering GmbH, Switzerland)
> - Johan Fabry (DCC, Universidad de Chile, Chile)
> - Luc Fabresse (Ecole des Mines Douai, France)
> - Marcus Denker (INRIA Lille, France)
> - Coen De Roover (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)
> - Damien Cassou (Hasso-Plattner-Institut, Potsdam, Germany)
> - Gilad Bracha (SAP Labs, Palo Alto, USA)
> - Noury Bouraqadi (Ecole des Mines Douai, France)
> - Alexandre Bergel (DCC, Universidad de Chile, Chile)
> - Gabriela Arevalo (Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Argentina)
> Program Chairs
> --------------------
> Andy Kellens (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)
> Jannik Laval (INRIA Lille/LABRI Bordeaux, France)

Alexandre Bergel  http://www.bergel.eu