Fwd: VA Smalltalk V9.0 Beta Invitation

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Fwd: VA Smalltalk V9.0 Beta Invitation

Marcus Denker-4

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Invitation to Participate: VA Smalltalk v9.0 64-bit Beta Program!
Help us make our next generation release the best yet.

You're invited to try out the next generation 64-bit virtual machine for VA Smalltalk by joining our v9.0 Beta program.

Instantiations has just completed several rounds of successful v9.0 alpha testing and now we'd like to encourage you to join our Beta Program. As a Beta Program member, you can get access to pre-release versions of VA Smalltalk and let us know what you think.

How do I get access?
All VA Smalltalk customers who have an active support subscription are automatically enrolled in the program.  Simply go to http://www.instantiations.com/betaprogram/ and login with your credentials to get access.

If you're not a current customer you can register for an evaluation license of VA Smalltalk here: http://www.instantiations.com/eval/. Registering will get you access to the VA Smalltalk Beta Program for the complete evaluation period.

We're excited about the future of VA Smalltalk and look forward to hearing your feedback!

Onward and upward!

Seth Berman
Chief Operating Officer 



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