Fwd: [Vm-dev] [ANN] SqueakSSL - a platform interface for SSL/TLS

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Fwd: [Vm-dev] [ANN] SqueakSSL - a platform interface for SSL/TLS

Geoffroy Couprie
Here are some great news :)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Andreas Raab <[hidden email]>
Date: Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 8:13 AM
Subject: [Vm-dev] [ANN] SqueakSSL - a platform interface for SSL/TLS
To: The general-purpose Squeak developers list <[hidden email]>, Squeak Virtual Machine Development Discussion <[hidden email]>

Folks -

Since the weekend is over I've decided to release what I got so far and consequently I'm happy to announce the availability of a new interface to the platform SSL/TLS facilities for Squeak. SqueakSSL is a plugin-based approach which utilizes the platform implementation; currently the SCHANNEL SSPI on Windows and OpenSSL on Unix.

To use SqueakSSL you need the following pieces:
1) The plugin for your platform. For Windows, you can download the plugin from


For Unix you'll have to compile your own; I'm attaching the relevant part of the platforms tree. Mac support is currently not provided but the OpenSSL based version can probably be adapted for Macs.

2) The SqueakSSL source code and tests. All of this can be found at


You need SqueakSSL-Core for the code and SqueakSSL-Tests for the unit tests (SqueakSSL-Plugin is the plugin source which you don't need and which we'll probably push into VMMaker).

Once you've downloaded and installed everything correctly, you should be able to try SqueakSSL via the google example, which makes a query to encrypted.google.com:

       SqueakSSL google: 'Squeak'.

If the query fails your plugin is probably not installed correctly (it seems unlikely that Google's cert has an issue :-)

3) For further tests (incl. the unit tests) you will need to provide a server certificate that can be used by SqueakSSL. On Unix you can do that using the openssl command line tools and once you've generated your cert, you can tell SqueakSSLTest to use the cert. On Windows the process is a bit more involved - you need to have a valid cert AND have it installed in the local certificate store (a description can be found at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/816794 but make sure you install it in your *user* account not the computer account). Once you have the cert installed, you can run the unit tests which should now succeed.

Obviously, this is an early release and there's plenty of work that remains to be done, so help is welcome. However, it is starting to become useful and consequently I'm intending to update WebServer and WebClient soon for HTTPS support.

 - Andreas

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Re: Fwd: [Vm-dev] [ANN] SqueakSSL - a platform interface for SSL/TLS

Stéphane Ducasse
yes this is cool!


On Jul 19, 2010, at 9:47 AM, Geoffroy Couprie wrote:

> Here are some great news :)
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Andreas Raab <[hidden email]>
> Date: Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 8:13 AM
> Subject: [Vm-dev] [ANN] SqueakSSL - a platform interface for SSL/TLS
> To: The general-purpose Squeak developers list <[hidden email]>, Squeak Virtual Machine Development Discussion <[hidden email]>
> Folks -
> Since the weekend is over I've decided to release what I got so far and consequently I'm happy to announce the availability of a new interface to the platform SSL/TLS facilities for Squeak. SqueakSSL is a plugin-based approach which utilizes the platform implementation; currently the SCHANNEL SSPI on Windows and OpenSSL on Unix.
> To use SqueakSSL you need the following pieces:
> 1) The plugin for your platform. For Windows, you can download the plugin from
>        http://squeakvm.org/win32/release/SqueakSSL.zip
> For Unix you'll have to compile your own; I'm attaching the relevant part of the platforms tree. Mac support is currently not provided but the OpenSSL based version can probably be adapted for Macs.
> 2) The SqueakSSL source code and tests. All of this can be found at
>        http://www.squeaksource.com/SqueakSSL.html
> You need SqueakSSL-Core for the code and SqueakSSL-Tests for the unit tests (SqueakSSL-Plugin is the plugin source which you don't need and which we'll probably push into VMMaker).
> Once you've downloaded and installed everything correctly, you should be able to try SqueakSSL via the google example, which makes a query to encrypted.google.com:
>        SqueakSSL google: 'Squeak'.
> If the query fails your plugin is probably not installed correctly (it seems unlikely that Google's cert has an issue :-)
> 3) For further tests (incl. the unit tests) you will need to provide a server certificate that can be used by SqueakSSL. On Unix you can do that using the openssl command line tools and once you've generated your cert, you can tell SqueakSSLTest to use the cert. On Windows the process is a bit more involved - you need to have a valid cert AND have it installed in the local certificate store (a description can be found at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/816794 but make sure you install it in your *user* account not the computer account). Once you have the cert installed, you can run the unit tests which should now succeed.
> Obviously, this is an early release and there's plenty of work that remains to be done, so help is welcome. However, it is starting to become useful and consequently I'm intending to update WebServer and WebClient soon for HTTPS support.
> Cheers,
>  - Andreas
> <SqueakSSL-Unix.zip>_______________________________________________
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