Fwd: [cairo] Text display tuning question

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Fwd: [cairo] Text display tuning question


> Maarten,
> Point taken, I have no idea how the fonts will map exactly when  
> libgdiplus from Mono is used.
> One API for doing graphics is highly desirable to me as well. I have  
> a bunch of code in VW and a lot in C++. Adding GDI+ to both allows  
> me to get rid of the VW graphicscontext calls and the Win32 GDI and  
> MFC stuff. It is also a rather straightforward task. And there are  
> many books on GDI+ as well that show how to do nice things.
> Paul
>> The thing you describe becomes more of a write many times deploy  
>> once thing.
>> Are you using the VW context And the Cairo Context And the GDI+  
>> context ?
>> When making scaled WYSIWYG pdf documents with Cairo, I allready run  
>> into problems when fonts in VW's widgets when do
>> not match exactly the Cairo fhttp://webmail1g.orange.fr/webmail/
>> fr_FR/write.html#ont widths. So personnally I am
>> awaiting the day that all can be done within the same API.
>> The Guys from Cairo however very often discuss performance issues,  
>> so if I where you I would first checkout and
>> verify that it cannot be done in a different Cairo Way.
>> If I understand the explanations on multi platform font systems, I  
>> understand that there are not so many
>> alternatives to Cairo and Pango.
>> Regards,
>> @Maarten,
>>> Message du 12/07/10 14:27
>>> De : "Paul Weustink"
>>> A : "Mark Plas"
>>> Copie à : "VWNC List"
>>> Objet : Re: [vwnc] [cairo] Text display tuning question
>>> Hi Mark,
>>> There is no package , I did start with the WinGDIPlusInterface  
>>> from the
>>> repository. Added the missing Gdip functions by changing the
>>> gdiplusflat.h file a bit (basically fixing errors from MS and some
>>> typedefs of structs) and parse it with the DLLCC tools.
>>> The nice objects from C++ like Graphics, Pen, Brush, Font, etc are  
>>> still
>>> lacking, but the flat functions work fine.
>>> Perhaps, if someone is interested, we could update the package in  
>>> the
>>> repository with the new stuff?
>>> Actually I asked earlier if someone did some work on GDI+ already,  
>>> no
>>> answers so I wonder who uses it?
>>> Paul
>>> On 12-7-2010 13:54, Mark Plas wrote:
>>>> Hi Paul,
>>>> Where did you get the package containing the gdiplusflat.h api?  
>>>> It's
>>>> not the WinGDIPlusInterface from the public repository I believe?
>>>> Mark
>>>> *From:* Paul Weustink [mailto:[hidden email]]
>>>> *Sent:* maandag 12 juli 2010 12:26
>>>> *To:* Mark Plas
>>>> *Cc:* VWNC List
>>>> *Subject:* Re: [vwnc] [cairo] Text display tuning question
>>>> Mark,
>>>> I've tried your example with GDI+ and direct screen output (so  
>>>> without
>>>> the pixmap).
>>>> These are my results (on a Pentium4 with XP-SP3):
>>>> VW7 530 ms (your example without pixmap
>>>> buffering)
>>>> GDI+ 1093 ms
>>>> GDI+ smooth 880 ms (anti-alias style font rendering)
>>>> GDI+ cleartype 1120 ms (clear-type style font rendering)
>>>> Better than I expected. This is the code I used:
>>>> | view x y gc graphics interface symbols aTime namePtr
>>>> fontFamilyPtr fontFamily
>>>> fontPtr font brushPtr brush stringPtr string rectPtr|
>>>> view := ScheduledControllers activeController view.
>>>> gc := view graphicsContext.
>>>> symbols := ByteSymbol allInstances select: [:each | each size > 1].
>>>> gc medium gdiGraphicsPtrDo: [:graphicsPtr |
>>>> graphics := graphicsPtr contents.
>>>> interface := WinGDIPlusInterface current.
>>>> "interface GdipSetTextRenderingHint: graphics with: 4."
>>>> "try 1, 4, or 5"
>>>> aTime := Time millisecondsToRun: [
>>>> 10 timesRepeat: [
>>>> x := 0.
>>>> y := 0.
>>>> namePtr := 'Arial' asTwoByteString gcCopyToHeapUnicode.
>>>> fontFamilyPtr := interface GpFontFamily gcMalloc.
>>>> interface GdipCreateFontFamilyFromName: namePtr with:
>>>> 0 with: fontFamilyPtr.
>>>> fontFamily := fontFamilyPtr contents.
>>>> fontPtr := interface GpFont gcMalloc.
>>>> interface GdipCreateFont: fontFamily with: 12 with: 0
>>>> with: 0 with: fontPtr.
>>>> font := fontPtr contents.
>>>> brushPtr := interface GpBrush gcMalloc.
>>>> interface GdipCreateSolidFill: 16rFF000000 with:
>>>> brushPtr. "ARGB color"
>>>> brush := brushPtr contents.
>>>> 1 to: 1300 do: [:i |
>>>> interface GdipSetClipRectI: graphics with: x with:
>>>> y with: (view width // 17) with: 18 with: 0.
>>>> string := (symbols at: i) asString asTwoByteString.
>>>> stringPtr := string gcCopyToHeapUnicode.
>>>> rectPtr := interface RectF gcCalloc.
>>>> rectPtr memberAt: #X put: x.
>>>> rectPtr memberAt: #Y put: y.
>>>> interface GdipDrawString: graphics with: stringPtr
>>>> with: string size with: font with: rectPtr with: 0 with: brush.
>>>> x := x + (view width // 17).
>>>> x > view width ifTrue: [
>>>> x := 0.
>>>> y := y + 18.
>>>> ].
>>>> ].
>>>> interface GdipDeleteBrush: brush.
>>>> interface GdipDeleteFont: font.
>>>> interface GdipDeleteFontFamily: fontFamily.
>>>> ].
>>>> ].
>>>> ].
>>>> aTime inspect.
>>>> Notes:
>>>> - GDI+ also introduces classes that wrap the native "flat" Gdip*
>>>> functions into nice objects.
>>>> I did not port these classes from C++ yet, since they are not  
>>>> needed
>>>> to use the gdiplus.dll.
>>>> - This code works on any Windows platform. If your OS is before XP
>>>> please download the gdiplus.dll
>>>> from the microsoft site.
>>>> - There exists a Mono open-source project that also has an
>>>> implementation of GDI+ using Cairo,
>>>> perhaps this can be used for Linux and Mac?
>>>> Paul Weustink
>>>> On 7-7-2010 22:14, Mark Plas wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> How can I get the displaying of text in Cairo faster? Compared to
>>>> displaying text using the standard VW GraphicsContext, Cairo  
>>>> appears
>>>> to be around 7x slower.
>>>> Below are two scripts that can be run from a workspace. I first
>>>> maximize the workspace window and then I run it. The scripts  
>>>> display
>>>> 1300 strings on screen (1900x1200 pixels in my case) in a gridlike
>>>> fashion and repeat this 10x. I use double buffering for both  
>>>> versions
>>>> with the GraphicsContext version drawing on a Pixmap and the Cairo
>>>> version using #groupWhile: [].
>>>> Running the GraphicsContext version takes about 290ms on my  
>>>> computer.
>>>> With Cairo it takes 2050ms. That's 7x slower! Using Pango (not  
>>>> shown
>>>> here) it's about the same performance as Cairo's #showText.
>>>> In an application that shows lots of data in grid, scrolling page  
>>>> by
>>>> page through the data really is sluggish when it's being displayed
>>>> using Cairo.
>>>> How can I improve this?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Mark
>>>> Here are the scripts:
>>>> GraphicsContext version:
>>>> | view gc x y |
>>>> view := ScheduledControllers activeController view.
>>>> thePixmap := Pixmap extent: view extent.
>>>> gc := thePixmap graphicsContext.
>>>> symbols := ByteSymbol allInstances select: [:each | each size > 1].
>>>> Time millisecondsToRun:
>>>> [10 timesRepeat:
>>>> [x := 0.
>>>> y := 0.
>>>> gc
>>>> font: ((FontDescription new)
>>>> family: 'Arial';
>>>> pixelSize: 12).
>>>> 1 to: 1300
>>>> do:
>>>> [:i |
>>>> gc clippingRectangle: (x @ y extent: (view width // 17) @ 18).
>>>> gc displayString: (symbols at: i) at: x @ y + 16.
>>>> x := x + (view width // 17).
>>>> x > view width
>>>> ifTrue:
>>>> [x := 0.
>>>> y := y + 18]].
>>>> thePixmap displayOn: view graphicsContext.
>>>> view
>>>> flush]]
>>>> Cairo version:
>>>> | view gc x y |
>>>> view := ScheduledControllers activeController view.
>>>> gc := view graphicsContext.
>>>> symbols := ByteSymbol allInstances select: [:each | each size > 1].
>>>> Time millisecondsToRun:
>>>> [10 timesRepeat:
>>>> [gc
>>>> newCairoContextWhile:
>>>> [:cr |
>>>> x := 0.
>>>> y := 0.
>>>> cr selectFontFace: 'Arial'.
>>>> cr fontSize: 10.
>>>> cr groupWhile:
>>>> [1 to: 1300
>>>> do:
>>>> [:i |
>>>> cr resetClip.
>>>> cr rectangle: (x @ y extent: (view width // 17) @ 18).
>>>> cr clip.
>>>> cr moveTo: x @ (y + 16).
>>>> cr showText: (symbols at: i).
>>>> x := x + (view width // 17).
>>>> x > view width
>>>> ; ifTrue:
>>>> ; [x := 0.
>>>> ; y := y + 18]]].
>>>> cr paint]]]
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