Fwd: [squeak-dev] [ANN] JNIPort 2.0 for VisualWorks, Pharo and Squeak

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Fwd: [squeak-dev] [ANN] JNIPort 2.0 for VisualWorks, Pharo and Squeak

stephane ducasse-2
Cool news :)


Begin forwarded message:

> From: Joachim Geidel <[hidden email]>
> Date: February 5, 2011 4:14:27 PM GMT+01:00
> To: VW NC <[hidden email]>, "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>, A friendly place where any question about pharo is welcome <[hidden email]>, The general-purpose Squeak developers list <[hidden email]>, VWDEV list <[hidden email]>
> Subject: [squeak-dev] [ANN] JNIPort 2.0 for VisualWorks, Pharo and Squeak
> Reply-To: The general-purpose Squeak developers list <[hidden email]>
> JNIPort 2.0 for VisualWorks, Pharo and Squeak is now available!
> JNIPort is a Smalltalk library which allows Java code to be invoked from
> Smalltalk. It acts as a bridge between the world of Smalltalk objects and a
> Java Virtual Machine (JVM) where Java code is executing. For more
> information see
>    http://jniport.wikispaces.com
> JNIPort 2.0 for VisualWorks can be loaded from the Cincom Public Store
> Repository and from the JNIPort wiki at
>    http://jniport.wikispaces.com/Downloads
> JNIPort 2.0 for Pharo and Squeak is available from SqueakSource at
>    http://www.squeaksource.com/JNIPort.html
> and from the JNIPort wiki.
> The changes from JNIPort 1.9 are:
> - JNIPort can now be used in Pharo and Squeak.
> - Packages have been renamed such that the can be shared between Store
>  and Monticello.
> - Platform specific code has been moved to separate packages to make the
>  core packages portable between VisualWorks, Pharo, and Squeak.
> - The much-critized _null postfix used for selectors of wrapper methods
>  which don't have arguments is gone.
> - A few bugs have been fixed.
> Installation instructions for VisualWorks are on the JNIPort wiki,
> instructions for Pharo and Squeak are on the wiki of the JNIPort project
> page of SqueakSource. I strongly encourage you to read the instructions
> before installing and using JNIPort.
> JNIPort 2.0 has been tested with:
> - VisualWorks from 7.5 to 7.8 (trent dec10.3) on Mac OS X 10.6.6 and
>  Windows XP SP 3
> - VisualWorks from 7.7 to 7.8 (trent dec10.3) on Ubuntu 10.04 (64bit)
>  with both the 32-bit and the 64-bit VisualWorks VMs
> - Squeak 4.2 on Mac OS X 10.6.6 and Windows XP SP 3
> - Pharo 1.1.1 and 1.2 on Mac OS X 10.6.6 and Windows XP SP 3
> Known issues:
> - In Pharo 1.1.1, you may encounter an error when JNIPort tries to register
>  a new Java object in an internal weak dictionary. This is a bug in Pharo's
>  implementation of this collection class. I can't do anything about it. If
>  you can't live with it, please upgrade to Pharo 1.2.
> - JNIPort for Pharo and Squeak currently cannot be used with the Cog VM.
> - Callbacks from foreign operating system threads cannot be used in Pharo
>  and Squeak. The Alien foreign function interface does not yet support
>  this feature. When you run the unit tests, three tests will fail because
>  of this restriction. These failures are expected and do not indicate bugs.
> Best regards,
> Joachim Geidel

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