On Sat, Feb 28, 2009 at 7:42 PM, Sebastian Sastre
<[hidden email]> wrote:
hi there, while loading some stuff of mine form an image to another, I was
annoyed/surprised by not finding some methods. Then I've figured out that all
not imported methods where missing because somehow they happen to be under a
category named *-changed some others under *-compilation-issues.
There is a way I can query the system (monticello?) to get the whole and set
them another category (so I can save the packageproperly)?
Let's say that SystemNavigation>>allMethodsInCatergory: answers MethodReference instances instead of 'Classd>selector' string thingies, and if it doesn't that it can by defining it as
SystemNavigation methods for query
allMethodsInCategory: category
| aCollection |
aCollection := Set new.
Cursor wait showWhile:
[self allBehaviorsDo:
[:x |
((category = ClassOrganizer allCategory
ifTrue: [x organization allMethodSelectors]
ifFalse: [x organization listAtCategoryNamed: category])) do:
[:sel | aCollection add: (MethodReference new setStandardClass: x methodSymbol: sel)]]].
then you want to say
(SystemNavigation default allMethodsInCategory: #'* whatever the category * was called') do:
mr actualClass organization
classify: mr methodSymbol
under: #'what I would like the category to be']