Anfang der weitergeleiteten E-Mail:
> Von: Eric Tippett <
[hidden email]>
> Datum: 15. Juli 2011 21:28:57 MESZ
> An: squeakland staff <
[hidden email]>
> Betreff: squeakland contact
> Just wanted to give you a heads up: there's an error in the installer package for Etoys 4.1.1 for Mac. Within the metapackage, the postflight script for the Etoys package mistakenly references "/Applications/Etoys" instead of the new Unless you have also installed, this creates a 0Kb file in its place. Simply correcting the line in the script to read
> touch "/Applications/Etoys"
> fixes the issue.
> Thanks,
> Eric Tippett
> Systems Engineer
> Columbus College of Art & Design
Rita Freudenberg
[hidden email]
etoys-dev mailing list
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