GLASS 1.0-beta.8.7 released

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GLASS 1.0-beta.8.7 released

Dale Henrichs
Yes, you read that right.

I released GLASS 1.0-beta.8.7 this afternoon along with GemTools 1.0-beta.8.5.

If you're feeling brave, then go ahead and load things up ... upgrade to GemTools 1.0-beta.8.5 then upgrade to GLASS 1.0-beta.8.7 ...

I also released Seaside 2.8.5 and will be releasing Seaside very soon now, along with new Pier and Magritte versions ...

I'll publish additional details over next few days and weeks, so if you're not feeling lucky wait a couple of days and I should have a post up with more information.

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Re: GLASS 1.0-beta.8.7 released

Thanks Dale!

I ran the updates yesterday and so far so good.

Empty String asNumber:
We had one minor bug on our side.  It seems that an empty string used
to return 0 when sent the message asNumber.  Now it generates an
error.  This was an easy fix in our code.

Update progress:
The GLASS 1.0-beta.8.7 went fine although there is no feedback about
the update progress.  Just have to be patient ;-)

Array explorer:
Unfortunately, the Array explorer still has issues.  If exploring a
large array, clicking First 20, Next 20 or Last 20 generates an error.

If I open the Squeak debugger I get the halt below:
openDebugger: anException
                debuggerChoice == 2
                        ifTrue: [
                                "Debug Squeak stack"
                                "Cannot continue through the GemStone debugger ... for now"
                                self clearStack.
                                ^self  halt.].

If I open the gemstone debugger I encounter another halt at
OTRangeInspectorNode | value  called from the OTInspectorNode:


        | result items |
        result := OrderedCollection new.
                allNamed: #inspector:priority:
                from: self value class to: nil
                sortedByArgument: 2) do: [ :pragma |
                        items := self value perform: pragma selector.
                        items isEmptyOrNil ifFalse: [
                                items do: [ :each |
                                        each metaNode: metaNode; tag: (pragma argumentAt: 1) asString ].
                                result addAll: items ] ]] on: Error do: [:ex | ^#()].
        ^ result

I wanted to send you the stack but the 'copy stack' brings up the same error.
