GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousAdd entitled: 'Add annotation' -> DNU

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GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousAdd entitled: 'Add annotation' -> DNU

Stéphane Ducasse
mooseFinderMetanoolIn: composite
        <moosePresentationOrder: 10>
        composite magritte
                title: 'Meta editor';
                titleIcon: MooseIcons mooseEditor;
                display: [:anObject | anObject mooseInterestingEntity ];
                act: [:m |
                        | result annotationDescription |
                        annotationDescription := MTLAnnotationDescription new.
                        result := annotationDescription asMorph addButtons addWindow callInWorld.
                        (result notNil) ifTrue: [
                                m entity mooseInterestingEntity mooseDescription attributes add: annotationDescription.
                                m update ] ]
                icon: GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousAdd entitled: 'Add annotation';
                description: [ :anObject |
                        | description |
                        description := MAContainer new.
                        description label: anObject mooseDescription name.
                        anObject mooseDescription allAttributes do: [ :attribute |
                                (attribute isKindOf: MTLAnnotationDescription) ifTrue: [
                                        description add: attribute asMagritteDescription ] ].
                        "anObject mooseDescription asMagritteDescription"

in the method above I wanted to know whether I got the + of the annotation and
when I execute
        GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousAdd entitled: 'Add annotation'
It says DNU entitled:

So I wonder how the code can work.
Any idea.


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Re: GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousAdd entitled: 'Add annotation' -> DNU

Stéphane Ducasse
ok not a problem is was badly indented code

On Apr 9, 2012, at 11:00 AM, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:

> mooseFinderMetanoolIn: composite
> <moosePresentationOrder: 10>
> composite magritte
> title: 'Meta editor';
> titleIcon: MooseIcons mooseEditor;
> display: [:anObject | anObject mooseInterestingEntity ];
> act: [:m |
> | result annotationDescription |
> annotationDescription := MTLAnnotationDescription new.
> result := annotationDescription asMorph addButtons addWindow callInWorld.
> (result notNil) ifTrue: [
> m entity mooseInterestingEntity mooseDescription attributes add: annotationDescription.
> m update ] ]
> icon: GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousAdd entitled: 'Add annotation';
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> description: [ :anObject |
> | description |
> description := MAContainer new.
> description label: anObject mooseDescription name.
> anObject mooseDescription allAttributes do: [ :attribute |
> (attribute isKindOf: MTLAnnotationDescription) ifTrue: [
> description add: attribute asMagritteDescription ] ].
> description
> "anObject mooseDescription asMagritteDescription"
> ]
> in the method above I wanted to know whether I got the + of the annotation and
> when I execute
> GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousAdd entitled: 'Add annotation'
> It says DNU entitled:
> So I wonder how the code can work.
> Any idea.
> Stef
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