There is a debug log from a deployed application. I don't know when the fault raised and can't reproduce it. Any help or suggestions to fix error are welcome. -- Dmitry Zamotkin -------------------------------------------------------------------- Invalid access to memory location. Reading 0xFFFFFFFF, IP 0x1A2BF212 () *----> VM Context <----* Process: {1A010004:size 194 words, suspended frame 1A0102B1, priority 5, callbacks 0 last failure 2:nil, FPE mask 3, thread nil} Active Method: SessionManager>>logError: IP: 10F38F99 (9) SP: 1A0103EC BP: 1A0103C0 (224) ActiveFrame: {1A0103C4: cf 1A0103A5, sp 1A0103DC, bp 1A0103C0, ip 5, BillingSessionManager(SessionManager)>>logError:} receiver: a BillingSessionManager arg[0]: a GPFault New Method: VMLibrary>>dump:path:stackDepth:walkbackDepth: Message Selector: dump:path:stackDepth:walkbackDepth: *----> Stack Back Trace <----* {1A0103C4: cf 1A0103A5, sp 1A0103DC, bp 1A0103C0, ip 5, BillingSessionManager(SessionManager)>>logError:} receiver: a BillingSessionManager arg[0]: a GPFault {1A0103A4: cf 1A010385, sp 1A0103B8, bp 1A0103A0, ip 3, BillingSessionManager(SessionManager)>>unhandledException:} receiver: a BillingSessionManager arg[0]: a GPFault {1A010384: cf 1A010365, sp 1A010398, bp 1A010380, ip 3, BillingSessionManager(SessionManager)>>onUnhandledError:} receiver: a BillingSessionManager arg[0]: a GPFault {1A010364: cf 1A010349, sp 1A010378, bp 1A010364, ip 5, GPFault(Error)>>defaultAction} receiver: a GPFault {1A010348: cf 1A010315, sp 1A01035C, bp 1A010330, ip 55, GPFault(Exception)>>_propagateFrom:} receiver: a GPFault arg[0]: a ExceptionHandler stack temp[0]: nil stack temp[1]: a ExceptionHandler stack temp[2]: nil stack temp[3]: a Process('Main' base 1A010000 [ACTIVE] in SessionManager>>logError: sp=00000000 ip=4 list=00E10010) stack temp[4]: nil {1A010314: cf 1A0102F5, sp 1A010328, bp 1A010310, ip 6, GPFault(Exception)>>_propagate} receiver: a GPFault stack temp[0]: nil {1A0102F4: cf 1A0102D9, sp 1A010308, bp 1A0102F4, ip 11, GPFault(Exception)>>signal} receiver: a GPFault {1A0102D8: cf 1A0102B5, sp 1A0102EC, bp 1A0102D0, ip 8, GPFault class(Win32Fault class)>>signal:with:} receiver: GPFault arg[0]: nil arg[1]: a EXCEPTION_RECORD {1A0102B4: cf 1A010295, sp 1A0102C8, bp 1A0102B0, ip 5, GPFault class(Exception class)>>signalWith:} receiver: GPFault arg[0]: a EXCEPTION_RECORD {1A010294: cf 1A010271, sp 1A0102A8, bp 1A01028C, ip 10, ProcessorScheduler>>gpFault:} receiver: a ProcessorScheduler arg[0]: a ByteArray stack temp[0]: a EXCEPTION_RECORD {1A010270: cf 1A010245, sp 1A010284, bp 1A010268, ip 16, [] in ProcessorScheduler>>vmi:list:no:with:} receiver: a ProcessorScheduler {1A010244: cf 1A010225, sp 1A010258, bp 1A010240, ip 18, BlockClosure>>ifCurtailed:} receiver: [] @ 0 in nil arg[0]: [] @ 24 in ProcessorScheduler>>vmi:list:no:with: {1A010224: cf 1A0101F9, sp 1A010238, bp 1A010214, ip 27, ProcessorScheduler>>vmi:list:no:with:} receiver: a ProcessorScheduler arg[0]: 500 arg[1]: a LinkedList arg[2]: 5 arg[3]: a ByteArray {1A0101F8: cf 1A0101C1, sp 1A01020C, bp 1A0101DC, ip 0, UserLibrary(ExternalLibrary)>>invalidCall} receiver: a UserLibrary stack temp[0]: nil stack temp[1]: nil stack temp[2]: nil stack temp[3]: nil stack temp[4]: nil stack temp[5]: nil stack temp[6]: nil {1A0101C0: cf 1A0101A1, sp 1A0101D4, bp 1A0101BC, ip 2, UserLibrary>>dispatchMessage:} receiver: a UserLibrary arg[0]: a MSG {1A0101A0: cf 1A010181, sp 1A0101B4, bp 1A01019C, ip 29, InputState>>pumpMessage:} receiver: a InputState arg[0]: a MSG {1A010180: cf 1A010155, sp 1A010194, bp 1A010170, ip 18, InputState>>loopWhile:} receiver: a InputState arg[0]: [] @ 9 in InputState>>mainLoop stack temp[0]: a MSG stack temp[1]: true stack temp[2]: nil {1A010154: cf 1A010139, sp 1A010168, bp 1A010154, ip 15, InputState>>mainLoop} receiver: a InputState {1A010138: cf 1A01011D, sp 1A01014C, bp 1A010138, ip 14, [] in InputState>>forkMain} receiver: a InputState {1A01011C: cf 1A010101, sp 1A010130, bp 1A01011C, ip 13, ExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandlerAbstract)>>markAndTry} receiver: a ExceptionHandler {1A010100: cf 1A0100D9, sp 1A010114, bp 1A0100FC, ip 22, [] in ExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandlerAbstract)>>try:} receiver: a ExceptionHandler {1A0100D8: cf 1A0100B9, sp 1A0100EC, bp 1A0100D4, ip 18, BlockClosure>>ifCurtailed:} receiver: [] @ 0 in nil arg[0]: [] @ 39 in ExceptionHandlerAbstract>>try: {1A0100B8: cf 1A010095, sp 1A0100CC, bp 1A0100B0, ip 3, BlockClosure>>ensure:} receiver: [] @ 17 in ExceptionHandlerAbstract>>try: arg[0]: [] @ 39 in ExceptionHandlerAbstract>>try: stack temp[0]: nil {1A010094: cf 1A01006D, sp 1A0100A8, bp 1A010088, ip 44, ExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandlerAbstract)>>try:} receiver: a ExceptionHandler arg[0]: [] @ 10 in InputState>>forkMain stack temp[0]: nil stack temp[1]: a Process('Main' base 1A010000 [ACTIVE] in SessionManager>>logError: sp=00000000 ip=4 list=00E10010) env temp[0]: nil {1A01006C: cf 1A010049, sp 1A010080, bp 1A010064, ip 7, BlockClosure>>on:do:} receiver: [] @ 10 in InputState>>forkMain arg[0]: ProcessTermination arg[1]: [] @ 13 in BlockClosure>>newProcess {1A010048: cf 00000001, sp 1A01005C, bp 1A010048, ip 17, [] in BlockClosure>>newProcess} receiver: [] @ 10 in InputState>>forkMain <Bottom of stack> -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
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