[GS/SS Beta] More problems with Zinc adaptor and Seaside

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[GS/SS Beta] More problems with Zinc adaptor and Seaside

Mariano Martinez Peck
Hi guys. I was able to start my app, but then as soon as I do a request to another page, I get an error in ZnManagingMultiThreadedServer>>executeOneRequestResponseOn:  , in:

response setKeepAliveFor: request.

what is funny is that 'response' is actually the ZnResponse class and not an instance. Of course, #setKeepAliveFor: is implemented in the instance side.

I am using Zinc from github glassdb  Zinc-HTTP-dkh.349
and Zinc-Seaside Zinc-Seaside-SvenVanCaekenberghe.40 from http://mc.stfx.eu/ZincHTTPComponents

Will keep digging but if someone has an idea...

