GS vs Github

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GS vs Github

Kjell Godo
Hi Dale

I was wondering about an unformed idea i was having when I was reading
about Github on wikipedia.

I was wondering if Gemstone is like Git or Github in any way or what
might happen if you tried to implement something like Git or Github on

What happens if you try to have a lot of seperate Gemstones trying to
talk to each other.

( If two people start working on the same thing then it goes into
pairs programming. )

If I do try to use Gemstone and I do get up to the limit where I have
to start paying to use it does the price jump up really fast once you
go beyond that point?  What if you are trying to provide a free

Congratulations on your VMWare earnings report for Q1.  I own a piece
of you via Navellier Bluechip Growth.  10% pop.  I hope Gemstone does
well also.  I hope you can do multiple Gemstones in the cloud like Avi
was talking about.  That would be fab-u-lous.

( AAPL didn't get killed by Japan.  But it's so big it's hard to lift.
 I think.  PC sales are dropping.  Are they being eaten by AAPL? )

