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GSoC13: Google Summer of Code started, your ideas please!

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GSoC13: Google Summer of Code started, your ideas please!

Janko Mivšek
2721 posts
Dear Smalltalkers,

Time for your cool project ideas on this year Smalltalk GSoC!

For now just express any idea you have here on the mailing list. Later
we will together develop it to be in complete format together with two
mentors needed. Deadline is end of Mart, so we have three weeks of time.
To see how fully developed ideas look like please look at 2012 ones at:

Note also that students yourselves can propose a GSoC project. So if you
like to be a student on this year GSoC and have a nice idea, don't be
shy and propose it here! The community will listen you and guide to the
really nicely proposed project. Last year 6 student proposed projects
were accepted and finished successfully!

For the community, start looking around for students. Think about how to
approach the universities near by you, do you know who to contact
there, etc.

We are namely preparing an application to this year Smalltalk Google
Summer of Code under ESUG umbrella, as last year. If accepted, Google
will pay few stipendiums to students on our Smalltalk projects.

More on our special Smalltalk GSoC 2013 website:


I'm specially inviting mentors of all past GSoCs to rejoin the mentors
mailing list, where we discuss all details about this year GSoC:


While students interested on GSoC please join a special Smalltalk GSoC
mailing list for you:


Best regards

Janko Mivšek
Smalltalk GSoC Admin Team
etoys-dev mailing list
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