I really like the SetUp/TearDown tabs when debugging a failed test,
however it seems a waste to devote a whole half of window to them
causing lines in the Source tab to wrap unnecessarily. Could they be
moved adjacent to the Source tab? I guess the Browse button would
equally apply to #setUp and #tearDown methods.
Also, you can edit the SetUp code but changes don't seem to be saved
through. So can this either be fixed (including when the method
doesn't exist) or there be some hint it can't be saved:
* tab says [SetUp (read-only)]
* in an fake comment above its code put "This method is read only"
(maybe in light grey)
* Instead of the yellow/orange "modified" triangle appearing in the
top-right of the pane, make it another colour - maybe black to mean
you can't save - I think red is reserved for meaning the pane was
edited elsewhere?
cheers -ben
P.S. I'd like to add my voice to those commenting that the stepping
buttons are too far away. Glancing back and forth between them and
the code I feel like I'm watching a tennis game.
P.P.S The icons on those buttons are real nice.