GTDebugger - sort stackTop to the top of the list, 2 variable lists

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GTDebugger - sort stackTop to the top of the list, 2 variable lists

Paul DeBruicker
Hi -

How do I mold the debugger so the stackTop is at the top of the variable list?

Also is there a way to have the two copies of the variable list shown next to each other where there is only one now? I find my self scrolling up and down to check changes in multiple spots which I think could be done if two were side by side.

And then how do I persist those changes somewhere so every image I ever use has them when I start it?


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Re: GTDebugger - sort stackTop to the top of the list, 2 variable lists

On Fri, Jun 10, 2016 at 09:18:49AM -0700, PAUL DEBRUICKER wrote:
> Hi -


> And then how do I persist those changes somewhere so every image I
> ever use has them when I start it?

Peter's scripts have a good example of how to run code at startup:
