GTDocument how to

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Re: GTDocument how to

Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list
Hi Hilaire,

You can create extension similar to one you have here: DrGeoCanvas>>#gtInspectorCanvasIn:

DrGeoCanvas>>#gtCanvasIn: aView
^ self view 
ifNil: [ aView empty ] 
ifNotNil: [ :aMorph | aMorph gtMorphFor: aView ]

Then you can obtain Documenter views like this:


On Sep 30, 2018, at 06:07, Hilaire <[hidden email]> wrote:

For DSL geometric sketch, I use the DrGeoCanvas class. When instantiated
with the #minimal message, it holds a view with only the sketch and no
widget. Therefore It is an interactive geometric sketch in a Morph, it
can be obtained with the #view message.

Inspected methods with the <gtView> pragma indicate a BLelement is
expected as a view.

Therefore, how can I embed DrGeoCanvas interactive moprh in Documenter?

For example, how to deal with an example as bellow?

| canvas |

canvas := DrGeoCanvas minimal.

canvas line: 0@0 to: 5@5.

minimal view "get the view if necessary"


Le 29/09/2018 à 15:49, Juraj Kubelka via Pharo-users a écrit :

Well, there are basically two ways to start using Documenter. In both
cases it happens in the GT Inspector.

First, you can inspect a class and write a Documenter document as a
class comment (Comment inspector tab).
Second, you can create a a-file.pillar local file and inspect it
(‘a-file.pillar’ asFileReference).

Let me know if it helps.

Dr. Geo

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Re: GTDocument how to

Thanks for the tips. It works, the view is not interactive though


Le 30/09/2018 à 16:18, Juraj Kubelka via Pharo-users a écrit :

> You can create extension similar to one you have
> here: DrGeoCanvas>>#gtInspectorCanvasIn:
> DrGeoCanvas>>#gtCanvasIn: aView
> <gtView>
> ^ self view 
> ifNil: [ aView empty ] 
> ifNotNil: [ :aMorph | aMorph gtMorphFor: aView ]
> Then you can obtain Documenter views like this:

Dr. Geo

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Re: GTDocument how to

Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list
Hi Hilaire,

You are right, we cannot have real Morph widget inside of Bloc element.


> On Oct 2, 2018, at 14:38, Hilaire <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Thanks for the tips. It works, the view is not interactive though
> Hilaire
> Le 30/09/2018 à 16:18, Juraj Kubelka via Pharo-users a écrit :
>> You can create extension similar to one you have
>> here: DrGeoCanvas>>#gtInspectorCanvasIn:
>> DrGeoCanvas>>#gtCanvasIn: aView
>> <gtView>
>> ^ self view
>> ifNil: [ aView empty ]
>> ifNotNil: [ :aMorph | aMorph gtMorphFor: aView ]
>> Then you can obtain Documenter views like this:
> --
> Dr. Geo

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Re: GTDocument how to

Ok got it. What I need is a bit different to what is GTDocumenter.

Thanks for the help.


Le 02/10/2018 à 19:56, Juraj Kubelka via Pharo-users a écrit :
> You are right, we cannot have real Morph widget inside of Bloc element.

Dr. Geo