> El 26-07-2017, a las 20:28, Holger Freyther <
[hidden email]> escribió:
> Hey,
> I have a simple dictionary with class as the key and a number as value. In the inspector I try to sort it by the value. But it is doing an alphabetical sort and not numerical?
By default, Glamour framework sorts string representations of displayed data.
> I can change Dictionary>>#gtInspectorItemsIn: to pass a sortedBy: block when adding the value column but is "<" a general usable protocol? How would one specialize the sort depending on the data in the dictionary?
You cannot send #< message to any object, e.g. Object new < Object new.
I think it would be necessary to introduce a new method to Object (or ProtoObject) to deal with your scenario in a polymorphic way.
> Any ideas how to get numbers sorted intuitively without adding too much magic (trying to convert the string representation back to a number, custom GTTablePresentation, using "a value < b value" and use the string representation if that fails..)?
If I need a customized Inspector views, I usually subclass a collection class. In your case, it would be:
Dictionary subclass: NumberKeyedDictionary … or something like that … then you can change Glamour presentations (GTInspector extensions).
> cheers
> holger