GTInspector table hides columns

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GTInspector table hides columns

Peter Uhnak

apparently inspector is happy to hide columns if they don't fit. Why is there no vertical scrollbar?

Also (I know I brought up this in the past, but the problem still remains), why does "Description" takes up so much space even though there's no data at all? Why not cap it at the width of the heading?

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Re: GTInspector table hides columns

Tudor Girba-2

Sorry for the late reply on this. I added horizontal scroll bar to the morphtreemorph-based presentations.


> On Jul 5, 2016, at 1:00 PM, Peter Uhnák <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi,
> apparently inspector is happy to hide columns if they don't fit. Why is there no vertical scrollbar?
> <inspector-table-1.png>
> <inspector-table-2.png>
> ​
> Also (I know I brought up this in the past, but the problem still remains), why does "Description" takes up so much space even though there's no data at all? Why not cap it at the width of the heading?
> Thanks,
> Peter


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