Gemtools backup - restore

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Gemtools backup - restore

dario trussardi

        i work with Gemtools 1.0 beta.8.1 and Gemstone ''.

        I do some test with Gemtools backup restore menu.

        I found some problems when i do restore.

                        After a backup i do some commit .

                        I shutdown the gemstone and restore a clean   ....0.dbf file
                        Case A) When i do the restore w/o tranlogs all work  fine.

                        Case B) When i do restore w/tranlogs the system erase the error:

                                'The given Stone Repository monitor cannot be reached:
                                , could not find server ''gofame'' on host ''monviso'' because: it does not exist.'

                                The transcript report :

                                ---Starting restore from '/mnt/backupsgofame/backup100827.dbf' (30 August 2010 9:59:49 am)
                                The restore from full backup completed, with 854030 objects restored and
                                 0 corrupt objects not restored.
                                 Ready for restore from transaction log(s).
                                , 854030, 0
                                The GemStone session has lost its connection to the Stone Repository monitor., HostShrSemSet failed, error 43
                                Performing commitRestore to allow access to repository.

        I can do the restore operations only from topaz ?  ( i d'ont test it ).

        Thank for any considerations,

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Re: Gemtools backup - restore

Dale Henrichs

If you get an error during the restore operation, you do have to resort
to using topaz to finish the restore.

In this particular case I would want to see the stone log and the gem
log, since it isn't completely clear what might have caused the problem

Wait, you are running on the Mac and I seem to recall that there is an
issue with the Macintosh where there are a limited number of system
semaphores and under certain circumstances the semaphores used by
GemStone are not removed correctly ... If I recall correctly when you
get a Semaphore error, you need to reboot to rest the semaphor list ...


Dario Trussardi wrote:

> Hi,
> i work with Gemtools 1.0 beta.8.1 and Gemstone ''.
> I do some test with Gemtools backup restore menu.
> I found some problems when i do restore.
> After a backup i do some commit .
> I shutdown the gemstone and restore a clean   ....0.dbf file
> Case A) When i do the restore w/o tranlogs all work  fine.
> Case B) When i do restore w/tranlogs the system erase the error:
> 'The given Stone Repository monitor cannot be reached:
> , could not find server ''gofame'' on host ''monviso'' because: it does not exist.'
> The transcript report :
> ---Starting restore from '/mnt/backupsgofame/backup100827.dbf' (30 August 2010 9:59:49 am)
> The restore from full backup completed, with 854030 objects restored and
> 0 corrupt objects not restored.
> Ready for restore from transaction log(s).
> , 854030, 0
> The GemStone session has lost its connection to the Stone Repository monitor., HostShrSemSet failed, error 43
> Performing commitRestore to allow access to repository.
> I can do the restore operations only from topaz ?  ( i d'ont test it ).
> Thank for any considerations,
> Dario

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Re: Gemtools backup - restore

dario trussardi

> In this particular case I would want to see the stone log and the gem log, since it isn't completely clear what might have caused the problem ......
> Wait, you are running on the Mac and I seem to recall that there is an issue with the Macintosh where there are a limited number of system semaphores and under certain circumstances the semaphores used by GemStone are not removed correctly ... If I recall correctly when you get a Semaphore error, you need to reboot to rest the semaphor list ...
What do you intend, reference  ?

You refer to Gemtools run on Mac ?

My gemstone is run on Ubuntu server.

I redo the restore.

The relative gofame.log report is:

        GemStone is stopping the Symbol Creation Gem with session 6, processId 29512
--- 30/08/2010 21:36:58.778 CEST :waiting for logouts to finish before an operation requiring singleUserMode

    Creating a new transaction log.
       directoryId 1, fileId 35,
       filename = /mnt/ISTDataBase/dbgofame/tranlog35.dbf

    Summary of Configured Transaction Logs
      Directory   0:
        configured name $GEMSTONE_DATADIR/
        expanded name /mnt/ISTDataBase/dbgofame/
        configuredSize 1000 MB
      Directory   1:
        configured name $GEMSTONE_DATADIR/
        expanded name /mnt/ISTDataBase/dbgofame/
        configuredSize 1000 MB

    The repository is in restore state, user commits are not allowed.
      to continue restore from logs, use next fileId = 33, record = 83490.
    Use SystemRepository commitRestore to terminate the restore.

    The repository is being restored to 30/08/2010 21:17:26 CEST

    The restore from full backup is successfully committed.

    'StnMntMaxAioRate' is now set to 300 by DataCurator.

    'StnMntShrPcTargetPercentDirty' is now set to 20 by DataCurator.

    'LoginsSuspended' is now set to 0 by DataCurator.
--- 30/08/2010 21:37:01.126 CEST :
    Starting a Admin Gem process
--- 30/08/2010 21:37:01.127 CEST :
    Starting a Reclaim Gem process for extents 0 to 0

    Session 4 with processId 29540 is now the Page Reclaim Gem for
    extents 0 through 0.

    Session 3 with processId 29539 is now the Admin Gem.

    'LoginsSuspended' is now set to 1 by DataCurator.

    Summary of Configured Transaction Logs
      Directory   0:
        configured name $GEMSTONE_DATADIR/
        expanded name /mnt/ISTDataBase/dbgofame/
        configuredSize 1000 MB
      Directory   1:
        configured name $GEMSTONE_DATADIR/
        expanded name /mnt/ISTDataBase/dbgofame/
        configuredSize 1000 MB

    Opening a transaction log file for read.
       filename = /mnt/ISTDataBase/dbgofame/tranlog33.dbf
    Restoring from current log directory to end of logs

    Opening a transaction log file for read.
       filename = /mnt/ISTDataBase/dbgofame/tranlog34.dbf
    Fork in time detected at log location: 34.4.1, expected commitSeq 0.18278, found 0.306, difference 17972 commits

    ***** FATAL ERROR *****
    Fork in time detected at log location: 34.4.1, expected commitSeq 0.18278, found 0.306, difference 17972 commits
       Refer to System Administration Guide
    Terminating stone

For gem log what do you intend ?

The maintenance_gem.log ?

        in this case the report are :

        topaz 1> topaz 1> GemStone Smalltalk Compiler Errors:
   | count |
   true "enable for remote breakpoints and profiling"
     ifTrue: [
       GemToGemAnnouncement installStaticHandler.
           [:ex :cat :num :args |
             BreakpointNotification signal.
             "needed to avoid infinite loop when resuming from a breakpoint"
             ex _incrementBreakpointsToIgnore. ]
         category: GemStoneError
         number: 6005 "#rtErrCodeBreakpoint"
         subtype: nil.
      System commitTransaction ifFalse: [ nil error: 'Could not commit for GemToGemSignaling' ]].

   System transactionMode: #manualBegin.
       [:ex :cat :num :args |
         "Run the abort in a lowPriority process, since we must acquire the
           GRPlatform current transactionMutex
 *         ^1                                                         *******
             critical: [
               GRPlatform current doAbortTransaction ].
           System enableSignaledAbortError.
         ] forkAt: Processor lowestPriority.
     category: GemStoneError
     number: 6009 "#rtErrSignalAbort"
     subtype: nil.
   System enableSignaledAbortError.
   "This thread is needed to handle the SigAbort exception, when the primary
    thread is blocked. Assuming default 60 second STN_GEM_ABORT_TIMEOUT, wake
    up at 30 second intervals."
     [ true ] whileTrue: [ (Delay forSeconds: 30) wait ].
   ] forkAt: Processor lowestPriority.

   count := 0.
   [true] whileTrue: [ [
     "run maintenance tasks"
     WAGemStoneMaintenanceTask performTasks: count.
 *   ^2                                                               *******
     "Sleep for a minute"
     (Delay forSeconds: 60) wait.
     count := count + 1]
       on: Error, Halt, BreakpointNotification
       do: [:ex |
             System inTransaction
                   ifTrue: [
             DebuggerLogEntry createContinuationLabeled: 'MTCE continuation'.
             System commitTransaction.
             System beginTransaction ]
           ifFalse: [
             System beginTransaction.
             DebuggerLogEntry createContinuationLabeled: 'MTCE continuation'.
             System commitTransaction].
         ex isResumable ifTrue: [ex resume]]].

1: [1031] undefined symbol
2: [1031] undefined symbol

Now executing the following command saved from "iferr 1":
Stack is not active
topaz 1> [268 sz:0 cls: 68097 Boolean] true
topaz 1>
[Info]: Logging out at 30/08/2010 21:36:16 CEST


Or one specific gemnetobjectxxxxx.log ? ( in this case how i can determine the xxxxx prefix ? )



>> Hi,
>> i work with Gemtools 1.0 beta.8.1 and Gemstone ''.
>> I do some test with Gemtools backup restore menu.
>> I found some problems when i do restore.
>> After a backup i do some commit .
>> I shutdown the gemstone and restore a clean   ....0.dbf file
>> Case A) When i do the restore w/o tranlogs all work  fine.
>> Case B) When i do restore w/tranlogs the system erase the error:
>> 'The given Stone Repository monitor cannot be reached:
>> , could not find server ''gofame'' on host ''monviso'' because: it does not exist.'
>> The transcript report :
>> ---Starting restore from '/mnt/backupsgofame/backup100827.dbf' (30 August 2010 9:59:49 am)
>> The restore from full backup completed, with 854030 objects restored and
>> 0 corrupt objects not restored.
>> Ready for restore from transaction log(s).
>> , 854030, 0
>> The GemStone session has lost its connection to the Stone Repository monitor., HostShrSemSet failed, error 43
>> Performing commitRestore to allow access to repository.
>> I can do the restore operations only from topaz ?  ( i d'ont test it ).
>> Thank for any considerations,
>> Dario

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Re: Gemtools backup - restore

Dale Henrichs

I saw the semaphore error and jumped to a conclusion:)

Okay, the relevant error message is in the stone.log:

     Opening a transaction log file for read.
        filename = /mnt/ISTDataBase/dbgofame/tranlog34.dbf
     Fork in time detected at log location: 34.4.1, expected commitSeq
0.18278, found 0.306, difference 17972 commits

Given this information, I'm going to guess that a some point in time
(since the backup), the stone was shutdown and a different extent was
copied in and then the stone was restarted ... some time later you
attempted the restore from backup w/tranlogs (which does a restore
current logs). this _is_ a guess on my part...

There are several ways to create fork in time errors, in general they
involve attempting to restore to a tranlog that is not part of the
transaction stream for the given backup (i.e., tranlogs created from
other extents or tranlogs containing transactions that were excluded
from an earlier restore).

If you take a look at the restore from back up documentation you'll see
that there are quite a few options available for doing a restore and I
really recommend that you become familiar with those procedures.


Dario Trussardi wrote:

> Dale,
>> In this particular case I would want to see the stone log and the gem log, since it isn't completely clear what might have caused the problem ......
>> Wait, you are running on the Mac and I seem to recall that there is an issue with the Macintosh where there are a limited number of system semaphores and under certain circumstances the semaphores used by GemStone are not removed correctly ... If I recall correctly when you get a Semaphore error, you need to reboot to rest the semaphor list ...
> What do you intend, reference  ?
> You refer to Gemtools run on Mac ?
> My gemstone is run on Ubuntu server.
> I redo the restore.
> The relative gofame.log report is:
> GemStone is stopping the Symbol Creation Gem with session 6, processId 29512
> --- 30/08/2010 21:36:58.778 CEST :waiting for logouts to finish before an operation requiring singleUserMode
>     Creating a new transaction log.
>        directoryId 1, fileId 35,
>        filename = /mnt/ISTDataBase/dbgofame/tranlog35.dbf
>     -------------------------------------------------------
>     Summary of Configured Transaction Logs
>       Directory   0:
>         configured name $GEMSTONE_DATADIR/
>         expanded name /mnt/ISTDataBase/dbgofame/
>         configuredSize 1000 MB
>       Directory   1:
>         configured name $GEMSTONE_DATADIR/
>         expanded name /mnt/ISTDataBase/dbgofame/
>         configuredSize 1000 MB
>     -------------------------------------------------------
>     The repository is in restore state, user commits are not allowed.
>       to continue restore from logs, use next fileId = 33, record = 83490.
>     Use SystemRepository commitRestore to terminate the restore.
>     The repository is being restored to 30/08/2010 21:17:26 CEST
>     The restore from full backup is successfully committed.
>     'StnMntMaxAioRate' is now set to 300 by DataCurator.
>     'StnMntShrPcTargetPercentDirty' is now set to 20 by DataCurator.
>     'LoginsSuspended' is now set to 0 by DataCurator.
> --- 30/08/2010 21:37:01.126 CEST :
>     Starting a Admin Gem process
> --- 30/08/2010 21:37:01.127 CEST :
>     Starting a Reclaim Gem process for extents 0 to 0
>     Session 4 with processId 29540 is now the Page Reclaim Gem for
>     extents 0 through 0.
>     Session 3 with processId 29539 is now the Admin Gem.
>     'LoginsSuspended' is now set to 1 by DataCurator.
>     -------------------------------------------------------
>     Summary of Configured Transaction Logs
>       Directory   0:
>         configured name $GEMSTONE_DATADIR/
>         expanded name /mnt/ISTDataBase/dbgofame/
>         configuredSize 1000 MB
>       Directory   1:
>         configured name $GEMSTONE_DATADIR/
>         expanded name /mnt/ISTDataBase/dbgofame/
>         configuredSize 1000 MB
>     -------------------------------------------------------
>     Opening a transaction log file for read.
>        filename = /mnt/ISTDataBase/dbgofame/tranlog33.dbf
>     Restoring from current log directory to end of logs
>     Opening a transaction log file for read.
>        filename = /mnt/ISTDataBase/dbgofame/tranlog34.dbf
>     Fork in time detected at log location: 34.4.1, expected commitSeq 0.18278, found 0.306, difference 17972 commits
>     ***** FATAL ERROR *****
>     Fork in time detected at log location: 34.4.1, expected commitSeq 0.18278, found 0.306, difference 17972 commits
>        Refer to System Administration Guide
>     Terminating stone
> For gem log what do you intend ?
> The maintenance_gem.log ?
> in this case the report are :
> topaz 1> topaz 1> GemStone Smalltalk Compiler Errors:
>    | count |
>    true "enable for remote breakpoints and profiling"
>      ifTrue: [
>        GemToGemAnnouncement installStaticHandler.
>        Exception
>          installStaticException:
>            [:ex :cat :num :args |
>              BreakpointNotification signal.
>              "needed to avoid infinite loop when resuming from a breakpoint"
>              ex _incrementBreakpointsToIgnore. ]
>          category: GemStoneError
>          number: 6005 "#rtErrCodeBreakpoint"
>          subtype: nil.
>       System commitTransaction ifFalse: [ nil error: 'Could not commit for GemToGemSignaling' ]].
>    System transactionMode: #manualBegin.
>    Exception
>      installStaticException:
>        [:ex :cat :num :args |
>          "Run the abort in a lowPriority process, since we must acquire the
>           transactionMutex."
>          [
>            GRPlatform current transactionMutex
>  *         ^1                                                         *******
>              critical: [
>                GRPlatform current doAbortTransaction ].
>            System enableSignaledAbortError.
>          ] forkAt: Processor lowestPriority.
>        ]
>      category: GemStoneError
>      number: 6009 "#rtErrSignalAbort"
>      subtype: nil.
>    System enableSignaledAbortError.
>    "This thread is needed to handle the SigAbort exception, when the primary
>     thread is blocked. Assuming default 60 second STN_GEM_ABORT_TIMEOUT, wake
>     up at 30 second intervals."
>    [
>      [ true ] whileTrue: [ (Delay forSeconds: 30) wait ].
>    ] forkAt: Processor lowestPriority.
>    count := 0.
>    [true] whileTrue: [ [
>      "run maintenance tasks"
>      WAGemStoneMaintenanceTask performTasks: count.
>  *   ^2                                                               *******
>      "Sleep for a minute"
>      (Delay forSeconds: 60) wait.
>      count := count + 1]
>        on: Error, Halt, BreakpointNotification
>        do: [:ex |
>              System inTransaction
>                    ifTrue: [
>              DebuggerLogEntry createContinuationLabeled: 'MTCE continuation'.
>              System commitTransaction.
>              System beginTransaction ]
>            ifFalse: [
>              System beginTransaction.
>              DebuggerLogEntry createContinuationLabeled: 'MTCE continuation'.
>              System commitTransaction].
>          ex isResumable ifTrue: [ex resume]]].
> 1: [1031] undefined symbol
> 2: [1031] undefined symbol
> Now executing the following command saved from "iferr 1":
>    where
> Stack is not active
> topaz 1> [268 sz:0 cls: 68097 Boolean] true
> topaz 1>
> [Info]: Logging out at 30/08/2010 21:36:16 CEST
> Or one specific gemnetobjectxxxxx.log ? ( in this case how i can determine the xxxxx prefix ? )
>  Thanks,
> Dario
>>> Hi,
>>> i work with Gemtools 1.0 beta.8.1 and Gemstone ''.
>>> I do some test with Gemtools backup restore menu.
>>> I found some problems when i do restore.
>>> After a backup i do some commit .
>>> I shutdown the gemstone and restore a clean   ....0.dbf file
>>> Case A) When i do the restore w/o tranlogs all work  fine.
>>> Case B) When i do restore w/tranlogs the system erase the error:
>>> 'The given Stone Repository monitor cannot be reached:
>>> , could not find server ''gofame'' on host ''monviso'' because: it does not exist.'
>>> The transcript report :
>>> ---Starting restore from '/mnt/backupsgofame/backup100827.dbf' (30 August 2010 9:59:49 am)
>>> The restore from full backup completed, with 854030 objects restored and
>>> 0 corrupt objects not restored.
>>> Ready for restore from transaction log(s).
>>> , 854030, 0
>>> The GemStone session has lost its connection to the Stone Repository monitor., HostShrSemSet failed, error 43
>>> Performing commitRestore to allow access to repository.
>>> I can do the restore operations only from topaz ?  ( i d'ont test it ).
>>> Thank for any considerations,
>>> Dario

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Re: Gemtools backup - restore

dario trussardi

I saw the semaphore error and jumped to a conclusion:)

Okay, the relevant error message is in the stone.log:

   Opening a transaction log file for read.
      filename = /mnt/ISTDataBase/dbgofame/tranlog34.dbf
   Fork in time detected at log location: 34.4.1, expected commitSeq 0.18278, found 0.306, difference 17972 commits

Given this information, I'm going to guess that a some point in time (since the backup), the stone was shutdown and a different extent was copied in and then the stone was restarted ... some time later you attempted the restore from backup w/tranlogs (which does a restore current logs). this _is_ a guess on my part...

Yes, this is my simulation where i suppose the extent go in 'error' ( disk error..... )  and i  do restore from:

1)  a valid new extent (  a different extent  was copied in and then the stone was restarted )
2)  a  full backup
3)  Apply transaction logs to restore transactions that were committed after the backup was started.

how i read from System Administration Guide:
9.4 How to Make a Smalltalk Full Backup
9.5 How to Restore from a Smalltalk Full Backup

But it's the case of Gemtools backup - restore ?

I  think yes. How i read from the stone.log:     The restore from full backup is successfully committed. 

If the extent go down i do the restore command only  from topaz how described into 9.4 9.5 of SAG ?

There are several ways to create fork in time errors, in general they involve attempting to restore to a tranlog that is not part of the transaction stream for the given backup (i.e., tranlogs created from other extents or tranlogs containing transactions that were excluded from an earlier restore).

If you take a look at the restore from back up documentation you'll see that there are quite a few options available for doing a restore and I really recommend that you become familiar with those procedures.

When you talk to documentation, you refer to System Administration Guide ?

The Gemtools backup - restore menu is limited to backup and restore data in the same extent ?

After restore full backup i think the stone know the tranlogxxx.dbf for begin the :  SystemRepository restoreFromCurrentLogs.

But the restore w/tranlogs  menu erase error.

The relative stone.log report:

 Opening a transaction log file for read.
       filename = /gofametran/tranlog36.dbf
    Restoring from current log directory to end of logs

    Opening a transaction log file for read.
       filename = /gofametran/tranlog37.dbf

    Opening a transaction log file for read.
       filename = /gofametran/tranlog38.dbf
    Fork in time detected at log location: 38.18.1, expected commitSeq 0.19235, found 0.19169, difference 66 commits

    ***** FATAL ERROR *****
    Fork in time detected at log location: 38.18.1, expected commitSeq 0.19235, found 0.19169, difference 66 commits

I d'ont understund because this error . the tranlog are in sequence , the extent d'ont change.


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Re: Gemtools backup - restore

Dale Henrichs

If you look at Figure 9.1 (page 285) in the System Administration Guide,
you see the steps that you should take to restore from a smalltalk full

Bringing up a GemTools image will do a commit to the repository _before_
giving you control and that makes it impossible to use the GemTools
interface for doing a restore from backup in which you need to
restoreFromCurrentLogs. This is the important part.

The timeline goes:

   1. fresh extent
   2. any number of tranlogs get created
   3. backup (at which point all of the previous tranlogs will be ignored
      during a restoreFromCurrentLogs), only the tranlogs moving forward
      are important
   4. tranlogs get created ... let's say tranlog5 is the last tranlog
      before you see corruption in the extent.
   5. shut down stone/copy fresh seaside extent0.dbf/start stone

This is the critical point, if you login with GemTools at this point, by
the time the GemTools login is complete, you will see that tranlog6 has
been created and if you do a restore backup and then
restoreFromCurrentLogs, you will get a fork in time error for tranlog6,
because the transactions in tranlog6 are against the fresh extent.

If you login with topaz, you will not do a commit and you will
immediately proceed to the restore from backup and restore from current
logs. A tranlog6 will be created in the step, but the transactions in
tranlog 6 will all be relative to to original extent and there will be
no fork in time.

For production, I highly recommend that you learn to use topaz for all
of your maintenance activities. You have a lot more flexibility in
controlling the backup and restore steps (i.e., you can restore up to
particular log files or even to a specific point in time), and being
familiar with topaz before you have an emergency is a good idea.

It's good that you are finding these things out while simulating
emergency situations.

I've come close to removing the restore w/tranlogs menu item several
times in the past, but this time, I might just remove the item
altogether, since it has _very_ limited utility...I also see that my
documentation on the glassdb site was a bit misleading as well.


Dario Trussardi wrote:

> Dale,
>> I saw the semaphore error and jumped to a conclusion:)
>> Okay, the relevant error message is in the stone.log:
>>    Opening a transaction log file for read.
>>       filename = /mnt/ISTDataBase/dbgofame/tranlog34.dbf
>>    Fork in time detected at log location: 34.4.1, expected commitSeq
>> 0.18278, found 0.306, difference 17972 commits
>> Given this information, I'm going to guess that a some point in time
>> (since the backup), the stone was shutdown and a different extent was
>> copied in and then the stone was restarted ... some time later you
>> attempted the restore from backup w/tranlogs (which does a restore
>> current logs). this _is_ a guess on my part...
> Yes, this is my simulation where i suppose the extent go in 'error' (
> disk error..... )  and i  do restore from:
> 1)  a valid new extent (  a different extent  was copied in and then the
> stone was restarted )
> 2)  a  full backup
> 3)  Apply transaction logs to restore transactions that were committed
> after the backup was started.
> how i read from System Administration Guide:
> *
> *
> * **
> *
> *
> *9.4 How to Make a Smalltalk Full Backup*
> *
> *
> *
> * 9.5 How to Restore from a Smalltalk Full Backup*
> *
> *
> But it's the case of Gemtools backup - restore ?
> I  think yes. How i read from the stone.log:     The restore from full
> backup is successfully committed.
> If the extent go down i do the restore command only  from topaz how
> described into 9.4 9.5 of SAG ?
>> There are several ways to create fork in time errors, in general they
>> involve attempting to restore to a tranlog that is not part of the
>> transaction stream for the given backup (i.e., tranlogs created from
>> other extents or tranlogs containing transactions that were excluded
>> from an earlier restore).
>> If you take a look at the restore from back up documentation you'll
>> see that there are quite a few options available for doing a restore
>> and I really recommend that you become familiar with those procedures.
> When you talk to documentation, you refer to System Administration Guide ?
> The Gemtools backup - restore menu is limited to backup and restore data
> in the same extent ?
> After restore full backup i think the stone know the tranlogxxx.dbf for
> begin the :  SystemRepository restoreFromCurrentLogs.
> But the restore w/tranlogs  menu erase error.
> The relative stone.log report:
>  Opening a transaction log file for read.
>        filename = /gofametran/tranlog36.dbf
>     Restoring from current log directory to end of logs
>     Opening a transaction log file for read.
>        filename = /gofametran/tranlog37.dbf
>     Opening a transaction log file for read.
>        filename = /gofametran/tranlog38.dbf
>     Fork in time detected at log location: 38.18.1, expected commitSeq
> 0.19235, found 0.19169, difference 66 commits
>     ***** FATAL ERROR *****
>     Fork in time detected at log location: 38.18.1, expected commitSeq
> 0.19235, found 0.19169, difference 66 commits
> I d'ont understund because this error . the tranlog are in sequence ,
> the extent d'ont change.
> Thanks,
> Dario