Hi, i do not understand why still uses Object.extend, can't those
properties be defined within the "subclass" construct?
Thanks in advance!
code snippet:
Gradient.subclass("LinearGradient", {
initialize: function($super, stopColor1, stopColor2, vector) {
vector = vector || LinearGradient.NorthSouth;
this.rawNode = NodeFactory.create("linearGradient",
{x1: vector.x, y1: vector.y,
x2: vector.maxX(), y2: vector.maxY()});
this.addStop(0, stopColor1).addStop(1, stopColor2);
return this;
Object.extend(LinearGradient, {
NorthSouth: rect(pt(0, 0), pt(0, 1)),
SouthNorth: rect(pt(0, 1), pt(0, 0)),
EastWest: rect(pt(0, 0), pt(1, 0)),
WestEast: rect(pt(1, 0), pt(0, 0))