[General] Will You Test Lively Running in Chrome under Windows?

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[General] Will You Test Lively Running in Chrome under Windows?

Philip Weaver
Will you test Lively running in Chrome <http://www.google.com/chrome> under

The two files to test are the normal and canvas versions of latest sources:


You could begin perhaps by checking out the latest sources, supply empty
files for localconfig.js and Scratch.js, and then see how it runs.

Over the weekend I had access briefly to crudely test in Chrome and mailed
Dan some screenshots. The main issues I saw were 1. examples don't load
because of a few exceptions - a couple of which relate to loading and
parsing of omitted source files 2. text areas (or their clips) display a
black stroke.

For the record, I own a copy of Parallels Desktop and today ordered a copy
of Vista but won't have it setup until the end of the week.


On Fri, Apr 10, 2009@1:43 PM, Dan Ingalls <[hidden email]> wrote:

> It would be really nice if one of you workers or lurkers (or maybe a
> shirker) could dig in a bit and figure out the problem with Google Chrome.
>  I don't have access to a machine on which to debug this effectively, but it
> looks very superficial to me.
> With that and a bit of documentation and organization, we can package it
> all up as an official release.
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