Generate a completely blank page

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Generate a completely blank page

Nicolas Simon-2

I'm currently developing a website with seaside for a school project and I want to insert a little and simple RSS feed.

So I need to generate a completely blank page, without any html tags (and obviously fill it with xml data), which seems impossible with RenderContentOn or RenderMainContentOn functions which automatically fill my page with header and body html tags.

How can I do that ? :)

Thank you in advance,

Simon Nicolas.

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Re: Generate a completely blank page

Damien Cassou-3
Nicolas Simon a écrit :
> Hi,
> I'm currently developing a website with seaside for a school project and I want to insert a little and simple RSS feed.
> So I need to generate a completely blank page, without any html tags (and obviously fill it with xml data), which seems impossible with RenderContentOn or RenderMainContentOn functions which automatically fill my page with header and body html tags.
> How can I do that ? :)

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