Jose Sebastian Calvo wrote:
> 2. Why AXTypeLibraryAnalyzer forces the generation of the dual interface
> not allowing to choose generate disp interfaces? (and then we do not
> worry about use the ugly #visible:rhs: )
Answering myself
modifying 2 methods I can generate Dispatch interfaces for
Excel_Application, Excel_Workbook, etc that in other case would be
generated as Dual interfaces.
This solves for me the ugly #xxxXXx:rhs: protocol.
The generation process is:
1- Start with a clean image.
2- File-in the attached methods (at the end)
3- Open the Active-X Component Wizard and generate the Excel Wrapper
4- Save the Excel, VBIDE, and Office generated packages and discard the
5- Install the generated packages in a new Image
Jose Sebastian Calvo
!AXTypeLibraryAnalyzer methodsFor!
"Private - Build the collection of <AXTypeInfoAnalyzers> which describe
the types in the receiver."
| count lib |
count := self typeInfoCount.
lib := self tlbInterface.
typeAnalyzers := (1 to: count) collect:
[:i |
onTypeInfo: (lib typeInfoAt: i) "asImplType"
typeLib: self
index: i]! !
!AXTypeLibraryAnalyzer categoriesFor:
#buildTypeAnalyzers!accessing!private! !
!TKindDispatchAnalyzer methodsFor!
"Answer the a <TKindInterfaceAnalyzer> describing the <COMInterface>
from which the receiver is derived, or nil if the receiver describes
^"self isDual
ifTrue: [self dualInterface superInterface]
ifFalse: ["super superInterface"]"! !
!TKindDispatchAnalyzer categoriesFor: #superInterface!enumerating!public! !